UPDATE: It is 2022 and I have been waiting for my mechanic friend to fix my Rover, but he is covered over and probably won't get back to me - soooooooooooooooo, I am taking things into my own hands, but in the meantime, I discovered something unique. If I turn the key and put it in Drive while all the beeps and lights are going through their start up sequence and I try to start it, (which it won't because of the XYZ switch design) and then put it in Park and then start it and let it run through the sequence again and let it idle for 5 minutes or so, I can put the truck in gear and drive it down the road just fine and all the gears shift fine. However, if I put it in Park, the transmission goes into no forward gears only reverse. I have to wait a while after turning it off before I can do this again. I did this 12 times so far and it drives great every time. Sometimes I can get away with it by putting it in Neutral and the Drive, but if I get stuck, I just disconnect the TCM and drive in limp mode 3rd gear slowly. I found an XYZ switch and I'm going to replace it because I think it's the culprit. If I'm wrong, it won't hurt anything... just the strangest thing I've experienced almost a year now 🤣 Next week I will take it to another guy I know and he said he can look it over and get codes etc and see what's up - just don't have a lift