The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 729

Anyone know an official site that gives such detail ?

The Gov.uk site only deals with vehicles from 2001+

My local Authority (Council) are issuing Residents Parking Permits based on CO2 emissions (yes, that's right, whilst parking/stationary.....)

Apparently this is to 'discourage larger engines'. Of course, it doesn't - it just acts as (just another) kind of Charge/Stealth Tax...
This follows Khan's plans to 'save the planet' (by TfL raking in £5M/WEEK with ULEZ) /rant off.

Posts: 8058

On vehicles later than 2001, it is shown on the V5 as that is what the road tax is based on, it isn't shown on anything earlier. You could take a couple of years off your cars age and show the figure for an identical 2001 model if they will accept that. Or just make up a number.....

Same as some of the London Boroughs charge a diesel more to park and not generate any pollution at all. When I had to drive into the City in my company 2015 Renault Kangoo, I, or my employers, had to pay ULEZ, Congestion Charge and extra to park.

Posts: 729

Thanks Richard, I will give that a go...

For any others on here with the same issue:

Start with/ Click on: https://carfueldata.vehicle-certification-agency.gov.uk/
(Top Line)
'Find fuel consumption and emissions information on a new or used car
Search for car details including fuel consumption, CO2 and other emissions, by make and model'.

Click on > 'Find fuel consumption and emissions information on a new or used car'

Select "Used car" of course (and use their month/year 'Search Tool'): on:


Land Rovers are on Page 80-odd (Depending on just how you search).

eg.(2001) 4.0 is 385g/CO2 and 4.6 is 398g/CO2

Posts: 8058

If you put in the date of first registration as September 2001 (when the 51 plate started) then fill in the other details (fuel type, gearbox type, Manufacturer, etc), you will only get the one result.

Posts: 729

Yes indeed Richard, but for some reason that ('other details') facility was not working - not for me anyway !

In the meantime my Local Authority seem 'uncomfortable' with accepting emissions figures from a 2001 for an earlier car of the exact same type !!
It is academic anyway as their 'highest band' is anything over 226g/CO2.....

'In other news' some neighbors of mine with cars with 'personalised' plates keep getting ULEZ fines although their cars are compliant:
One has 19 and the other has 16 (to date); The TfL IT System can't handle such plates; Rumour is their central processor is an abacus....

Posts: 8058

It really is crap. A 1999 4.0 litre P38 isn't compliant but according to them, a 2000 4.0 litre P38 is but a 2000 4.6 isn't, yet they are all Euro 2 so none should be. Interestingly, I've just put my other half's Merc in the ULEZ checker. It's a 2007 SLK280 which is a Euro 4 petrol V6, but on a personal plate starting R15 and it correctly identifies that as compliant, yet a neighbours 2005 diesel Rover 75 on a K80 personal plate, which isn't compliant, comes back as fine even though putting it's original AE55 plate in correctly shows it isn't. Same car, correctly identified as a 2005 diesel in both cases but two different results just by changing the plate.

Posts: 371

Good Grief!
"Mr Prosser" is alive and well! :)
The inmates are really running the asylum over there.
Logic is gone and blind faith in flawed data systems are becoming the norm it seems and
"common sense" ....Isn't!

I know it's only a matter of time before this spreads across the ditch.
Be afraid......Be very afraid!

Posts: 781

The socialist republic of Wales is talking about introducing ULEZ on motorways in their area, which would be mainly the M4.
Meanwhile most of their urban areas are 20mph limit. You get overtaken by bicycles.

Posts: 729

Richard: Exactly: TfL have their own compliance list that (often) does not tally with the DVLA data for such plates !
Latest scam of course are cloned plates, and it seems the TfL ULEZ Cameras are not checking these for 'anomalies'..
-such as the car 'being in two places at the same time'- and so these cloners are using plates from well out of London....

General Consensus is if Khan stays 'in power' then the ULEZ Emissions Standards could be altered (eg. to include CO2 ?)
and/or all diesels will be banned and/or Pay-Per-Mile is not very far off; (Probably inevitable as there as otherwise an expensive
network of cameras -plus 'mobile ULEZ vans' -not being used) Hmmmm... Yet many will vote for him as Mayor again next May

dave3d; That's crafty; Choose a Motorway or much slower A-Roads etc through towns ?: They will claim if is 'saving the planet' too...

Posts: 8058

davew: What does your local authority want you to provide as proof of CO2 emissions? If they are asking for a copy of the V5, surely you can send yours in and tell them the CO2 figure is zero?

I far prefer the French system. You pay your €4.10 for a sticker for life for your windscreen and send a copy of your V5. From the Euro figure they give you a different coloured sticker. If running on LPG, you get the same sticker as a hybrid. Most of the time, it doesn't matter but at times when the air quality falls below a certain level, they restrict what can enter the cities (which usually means a minimum of Euro 6 diesel and Euro 2 petrol), can go in, the older diesels can't. It's an on the spot fine if you enter without the correct, or no, sticker. None of this 'you can drive any old polluting pile of junk into the cities as long as you are prepared to pay the money' like we have here, irrespective of the air quality at the time. The restrictions in France normally only come in during the summer when there is plenty of sunshine and no wind to disperse the pollution, the rest of the time it doesn't affect anyone.

Then again, maybe I'm just biased as I can go anywhere in France (and Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands) at any time but still have to pay my £12.50 on the odd occasion I have to venture inside the M25.

Posts: 1352

Devon Police sent me a couple of pics of myself driving my van with caravan on tow towards Cornwall back in August a few weeks ago, with a 'identify the driver' notice for not wearing a seatbelt. Pics taken from a few different angles, one showing my car and caravan from almost front on, one a down shot through the windscreen. I didn't know they had cameras that flag people not wearing seatbelts.

Posts: 729

Richard: Unfortunately it seems the Local Authority system just can't handle anything prior to 2001. My suggestion was just to default to the highest band then and then re-calculate if/when a CO2 figure to their satisfaction can be established.... but that is just far too logical for them, apparently (?!)
(Just like the ULEZ IT foul-up all communication is by e-mail now ...but you can still pay fines by phone...)

By comparison those other countries' systems you have described above all seem quite logical and sensible of course:
Obviously it seems the UK Systems are still mainly based on highway robbery ( aka indirect taxation ) instead ?!

Posts: 60

If it´s of any help, the CO2 emission of a 1998 4,6 (Euro 2) is 414 g/km according to my german car papers...

Posts: 8058

davew wrote:

Richard: Unfortunately it seems the Local Authority system just can't handle anything prior to 2001.

In that case, as it's too old for them, it must be Historic so free....

Obviously it seems the UK Systems are still mainly based on highway robbery ( aka indirect taxation ) instead ?!

I've always said it has nothing to do with cleaner air, it is purely a money making scheme.

Posts: 729

Richard: In fact that has been the basis of my contention with the Local Authority for some time now, that there are NO emissions whilst parked up !
(Just for clarification -in case they are actually reading this- by 'NO' there I mean ZERO not Nitrous Oxide....)

Yes, it is more about money than any pollution, but Khan 'disputes' this (euphemism for just blatantly lies of course):
Seems the London Mayor has much difficulty in understanding Scientific Data: eg. A Report for TfL last May calculated that Expanding the ULEZ
to Outer London would only result in a minor (1.4%) drop in NO2 and negligible (0.1%) drop in PM2.5 (Particulate Matter)..........
Unfortunately (for him) that Report was published before he could censure/block it.

Indeed an independent scientific analysis showed that the previous Expansion (as far as the N/S circ.) had reduced NO2 there by just 3%:
Accordingly Khan produced a (paid for / non-independent) report that 'proved' it had fallen by 46% and so was 'transformational'... !

In a week where it was revealed our former Mayor/ Prime Minister gave up on his scientific education at 15 it all really makes me
wonder just how many of our 'leaders' are actually numerate enough to run a hot dog stand, let alone a country/city !? / 2nd Rant off