The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 241

Noted. Cheers Richard.

Posts: 129

Martyuk wrote:

Pete12345 wrote:

Marty, I could be interested in a diff. Finally got my project 1998 on the road back in November, but getting some drivetrain whine. I suspect the rear diff, but not sure yet.

I'm likely to be travelling from Langley to Ferndown various times in March & April, so a swing by Marlborough for half a day would be doable.


Hi Pete,
No worries - if it's the rear one, then it comes free with a rear axle.... haha.

I might be able to split it out, but don't have all the tools there that I used to, as I shipped most of my things back already, I think I have basic tools in the back of my RR there and a few in the garage at home still.

I would be happy to do a deal on either just diff or the axle, even though I only need a spare diff. Aren't the diffs the same front & rear on P39 ?

FYI, My old project P38 is finally on the road, but getting drivetrain whine. My plan was to have a refurbed diff ready to swap, & then refurb the one I take out (eventually doing them all in both cars).

Posts: 8153

Pete12345 wrote:

Aren't the diffs the same front & rear on P38 ?

Although they are interchangeable and look the same, if you put them side by side, you'll see that the helix on the crown wheel is cut the opposite way. It hasn't stopped people fitting a rear 4 pin diff on the front, but will be noisier.

Posts: 678

Didn’t the ‘99 an on come with 4 pin front diff’s?

Posts: 1310

Harv wrote:

Didn’t the ‘99 an on come with 4 pin front diff’s?

I believe that's an urban myth. When I swapped the front diff on my 2001 P38, I pulled a 2 pin one from the axle, and judging by how hard it was to get the front hubs out, I am confident it was original and hadn't been changed before

Posts: 678

Interesting. I wonder where that myth came from and why I believed it to be true.

Posts: 661

I also believe in the "myth". I think the reason is the association between 4-pin diff and ETC, because of the (apparent) higher stress on the driveline when the diff "locks".
Since the P38 first came with a 4-pin in the rear, and ETC in the rear also, when the next version ABS included ETC on all four wheels, it became natural to associate it with ... a 4-pin diff :-))

Posts: 1310

I believed in it aswell... until I took my front axle apart and found only a 2 pin one in there!

I have since put a 4 pin one in my front axle, so it is 4 pin front and rear.

Posts: 1310

Pete12345 wrote:

Martyuk wrote:

Pete12345 wrote:

Marty, I could be interested in a diff. Finally got my project 1998 on the road back in November, but getting some drivetrain whine. I suspect the rear diff, but not sure yet.

I'm likely to be travelling from Langley to Ferndown various times in March & April, so a swing by Marlborough for half a day would be doable.


Hi Pete,
No worries - if it's the rear one, then it comes free with a rear axle.... haha.

I might be able to split it out, but don't have all the tools there that I used to, as I shipped most of my things back already, I think I have basic tools in the back of my RR there and a few in the garage at home still.

I would be happy to do a deal on either just diff or the axle, even though I only need a spare diff. Aren't the diffs the same front & rear on P39 ?

FYI, My old project P38 is finally on the road, but getting drivetrain whine. My plan was to have a refurbed diff ready to swap, & then refurb the one I take out (eventually doing them all in both cars).

The diff more comes with a free axle hahah - mostly because I'm just in need to get rid of stuff. I can try and get it removed if you really want - I just need to clear everything from the workshop in the few weeks I'm there... If you have it all as one and don't need/want the axle, you'd probably get a few ££ for it as scrap! I just don't have the time to sort through everything to get it separated and taken to either dump or scrap metal place etc.

I'll be in the UK from next Monday? Tuesday? I can't actually remember with the flight times and the date change! but early next week anyway!


Posts: 8153

We could do a split. Pete wants the diff and there's one car I work on with a weird ABS fault that I suspect is down to a damaged reluctor ring on one corner, so I could take the half shafts and hubs. I've got a little 4x3 trailer so could bring that with me for taking bits away.

Posts: 129

I'm gonna be in Ferndown Mon 25th to Wed 27th. Could divert to your lockup on my way home Thurs if that works ? Weds PM might be a challenge but depends if the carpet fitters have finished thier 2-day job.

Happy to split if that helps you (assuming the shafts come out easily !! ).


Posts: 8153

I'm busy odd days next week but free the whole week after Easter if that helps.

Posts: 1310

Sounds like a plan...

The rear hubs come off a lot easier than the front, as they are just a flat face fit that they bolt to.

We arrive into the UK on the 25th, so Thursday 28th might be possible - my main thing when I get there is looking over my P38, getting it started and making sure it's running OK to get us about before I can get up to the workshop etc. She's been sitting for 9 months again, so as long as she doesn't need any major TLC and just a check over/clean inside etc, then Thursday should be fine.

I will message when I get to the UK and get the RR checked over, and we can go from there - otherwise the week after Easter should be good for me, as we are about that whole week before we go to Europe for a fortnight. We get back on 21st April, and then will be around Swindon again until we fly back out on the 30th.

We fly out from NZ tomorrow, so will check in once I get to the house in the UK on the 25th.


Posts: 1310

Well... Made it back to the UK yesterday...

Only problem with landing at 6am and getting home by 9am, after 27 hours travelling is you want to sleep... so I have a funny feeling I will be doing some odd hours over the next few days until properly on UK time..

But... I did measure the battery level on the P38 yesterday after it's been sitting (disconnected) for 9 months... 12.2V.. decided 'screw it' and hooked it up, and turned it on, fired it up... took a few cranks, but fired right up and settled into a nice smooth idle...

So hoping today I can finish checking it over, take the EAS blocks out, and then take it for a bit of a run - and hopefully up to the workshop, so I can see the state of what I've got to get done...

Will get some pictures of the 2000 for you Jack, and hopefully of rear axle aswell. Will see how I go about removing the diff, otherwise that might have to wait for some extra hands.

I'll also try to make a list of other things that are there that may be useful to people, so then at least I know what I have which is usable, and if anyone wants things they can let me know and we can work it out.


Posts: 8153

I've got all next week from Tuesday onwards free so can come over any of those days. How does that fit in with others so there will be more than just Marty and me to shift big stuff?

Posts: 1310

I'm about next week until Friday, so any days in there are fine for me...

I got up to the workshop yesterday, and sadly the rats have got in again - obviously the treats I left last time weren't enough... I've got fresh rat poison to take up there today and disinfectant and a sprayer, which I'm going to spray around the place. Really can't wait to get the place cleared out and rid of it now!

Current plans...
Rat poison/Disinfectant today/tomorrow (hopefully it stops raining so I can be bothered to get up there!)
Clear some of the scrap metal into the back of the car and weigh it in (the smaller bits and pieces that are scattered about - try and clear a bit of the floor area)
I want to remove the front axle I cleaned up/refurbished and fitted to the '98. If I can get that off, it can either be up for sale if someone here wants it (84k Diff, new radius arm bushes, ball joints, shocks, air springs) or if Jack wants the 2000 then it can go with that if nobody else wants it. Worst case it comes to my house and sits in the garage here.
Try to put some of the other junk - seats etc that are kicking about into the '98 for when it's collected
Call scrap place to come and collect the shell of the '98. It has no engine or axles/wheels, so I'm thinking about either putting it on a pallet as I have some old castors up there to be able to get it out of the workshop, or I'll see if scrap place can hiab it out of there.
After that, I can clear half of the workshop, and will look at probably getting a small skip to chuck the rest of the shite in.

Currently - looking around what is there, and if people want any parts (that are useful still!)
I have a front bumper off the '98 from memory. Seems to be in reasonable condition from memory.
I have a whole bunch of transfer cases and transmissions I've acquired over the years. I was going to send them to Ashcroft as core, but what they'd pay for them vs the shipping cost (as it would probably be 3 pallets reaslitically because they never stack nicely) doesn't make it worth it... If someone wants them super cheap and then whack them all on a trailer and take away then we can work something out - otherwise my plan is to just to send them for scrap metal, as I can't be bothered with the hassle of palleting them up to send to ashcroft, or finding a trailer to take them myself.

I also have a pallet of V8 engine parts, which my plan is to contact V8 developments to see if they want them as core... but if anyone wants any parts before I itemise and contact V8 Dev, then let me know and I can see what I have. I know I have a set of Thor heads that came off my old V8 (they were fine as far as I know - my issue with the engine was the core plugs leaking on the block). also pretty sure there's at least one set of GEMS heads there which came off the '98

There's a block that came off '98 aswell, unsure of condition - think liners were all good, potentially it was a head gasket issue on it...
Probably got things like front covers etc aswell, and I know I have my old throttle body/plenum from my old Thor engine aswell.

I have at least one (think it's 2) sets of alloy wheels. One set are Hurricanes and one set are Proline from memory. Both sets have tyres (would need replacing) and the alloys themselves would probably need refurbishing. If anyone wants either set cheaply before I send them for scrap aswell, let me know.

I don't think there's much else there of any real value at this point. I have a big air compressor which is 16A powered, it's old, definitely second hand and probably needs a bit of TLC at this point.... Though when I last used it, it still made decent pressure. If anyone's interested then you can have it for free, but collection only.

If I think of anything else, I'll let people know... otherwise it will go to either scrap metal, or in a skip.

I took a few pictures of things that are there, so I'll see about uploading them for if anyone is interested...

Oh, I also have a working Thor spec HP24 gearbox/transfer case (think without torque converter though) which came from Sloth's P38 when he did his diesel engine swap... he wanted the one from the '98, so I swapped him for it... I think it's in reasonable condition with around the 135K mile mark on it.


Posts: 129

Is it still worth me coming up there tomorrow, or will next week work better ? I can probably only do 2-3 hours either way.


Posts: 8153

My Ascot needs new front top and bottom ball joints so if nobody else wants it, I'll take the front axle assembly and just swap the whole lot.

Posts: 1310

Pete12345 wrote:

Is it still worth me coming up there tomorrow, or will next week work better ? I can probably only do 2-3 hours either way.


Hi Pete,

Probably next week would be better when Richard has been over aswell, so we can get the rear axle out (I have found it and it's up the back of the workshop) behind some other stuff).

I've been up today and put out a load of rat poison, and sprayed disinfectant everywhere else, so going to give that a few days to settle in. I also loaded up a pile of random old scrap metal parts in the back of my RR which I'll take to the scrap metal place tomorrow hopefully.

I think I will try to continue just tidying up and sweeping up all the crap around the floor over Easter, and then next week it should be in a better state (hopefully) to be able to get some things out.

What day(s) work best for you next week?


Posts: 1310

Gilbertd wrote:

My Ascot needs new front top and bottom ball joints so if nobody else wants it, I'll take the front axle assembly and just swap the whole lot.

No problem.

Make me an offer, and it's yours. I'm waiting to hear back from Jack about the 2000 but I'm leaning towards just scrapping it anyway because it's in a terrible condition now.

I think in theory to get it free from the vehicle, it would be the rear radius arm nuts, top or bottom shock bolts, and top/bottom air spring clips.

What day suits you best to come over? Earlier in the week is better for me as we go to London/Europe later in the week - but earlier in the week I will be about.
