The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1141


Can anyone recommend a brand of coil packs that are reasonable (or confirm if Delphi ones are any good) please?

Just used a Britpart one to try and fix an annoying misfire on My Disco II (Thor) and its worse than the original one was. (the second one that is, the first one has a misshapen post so a lead doesn't even want to go onto it!).

And no, before anyone asks, I didn't know they were going to send Britpart ones when they were ordered.


Posts: 2312

I've put Intermotor on mine. So far so good.
Bosch 0 221 503 407 is the original, if you can find at a good price.
Spec here

Posts: 1141

Orangebean wrote:

I've put Intermotor on mine. So far so good.
Bosch 0 221 503 407 is the original, if you can find at a good price.
Spec here

Cheers - Not found the Bosch ones on looking as yet, but thats useful to know. Intermotor has come up so may go with those, gives me a couple of options anyway.

Posts: 784

I put 2 of these on when I did my top end.

No problems and decent quality. Look same as the Landrover ones I took off.

Posts: 784

If you're interested, I also got these

Posts: 1141

blueplasticsoulman wrote:

If you're interested, I also got these

I've gone for those plus found the Bosch coil packs (thanks to the part number posted by Orangebean above) at a reasonable price, so going with them. Changing both as I don't enjoy taking the upper manifold off and have done it too many times already!

Posts: 1327

Why are you taking the manifold off, lift bonnet all the way ( stays off, and fold down factory stays on hinges) you can see all 4 bolts , just slide the coils up and out, I have lpg pipes across mine and still do it that way

Posts: 2312

That's because you're 8 feet tall Chris!
Bloody lumpy lying across the engine, but I agree, doable

Posts: 665

Did mine with everything in situ. And bonnet at normal opening height 'cos nobody had told me that a P38 opens extra wide just like a Full Fatty does.

Having size 6 hands helps.

Jury out on the verbal encouragement. But it made ME feel better!


Posts: 1141

no10chris wrote:

Why are you taking the manifold off, lift bonnet all the way ( stays off, and fold down factory stays on hinges) you can see all 4 bolts , just slide the coils up and out, I have lpg pipes across mine and still do it that way

Yep - I'm sure you can on a P38, but its proving damn near impossible on a Disco! I cannot get the coil pack to slide between the bulkhead and the bunch of bananas. With great amounts of difficultly i can slide them sideways, but between the struggle to get the bolts out of the bracket (as there isn't enough space to take it out on the bracket complete) and the twisting and turning of the coil to get it to fit though the gap (which is barely big enough to get my hands through) making it bloody difficult!

I've been lying across the engine with a carpet from the boot of a car that i no longer have to pad it out a bit, its still lumpy but thats not the major problem, its the lack of space to work with.

I think its just its way of telling me I brought the wrong LandRover TBH!

Posts: 1141

Got at it again and got it in with a struggle though the side, ended up with less scratches and bruses this time, though it could have been easier but at least the manifold didn't come off (its been off before to sort the throttle heater leaking, and to do the lpg pipework more recently)

At least second time around its fixed the misfire too, though now the exhaust is rattling, as it seems as soon as 1 thing is fixed on it that at least 1 more has to break!

Posts: 1327

Didn't realise urs was a disco, does the bonnet fold up like on a p38 ? ( nearly touching windscreen)
It's the LR gremlin keeping you on your time toes

Posts: 1327

Orangebean wrote:

That's because you're 8 feet tall Chris!
Bloody lumpy lying across the engine, but I agree doable

I still climb up on top, I'm to old to lay across the engine and not pay the price, many of my neighbours have seen me perched on top of it, you can see they want to ask what I'm doing, but never do,,

Posts: 1141

no10chris wrote:

Didn't realise urs was a disco, does the bonnet fold up like on a p38 ? ( nearly touching windscreen)
It's the LR gremlin keeping you on your time toes

Unfortunately no, the hinges prevent it doing so as they hit the bulkhead and wipers before getting much above the level it would be at with the bonnet prop. I know what you mean though, as my mates series III will allow you to get the bonnet vertical against the windscreen once a pivot pin has been removed, as long as he removes the spare wheel first.

Some padding helps with lying across the engine from the front, but its not something you want to do for very long!

I'd probably get a p38 if one came up at the time i brought the disco, or if the right one appears. Did get offered one though someone else but it was on coils, and the owner decided they would rather keep it as a garden ornament (it hasn't moved in some time apparently, so don't know what state it was in, and having experienced the disco which has been vandalised onto coils on the back I'd rather have one as it was intended to be really).

Posts: 995

no10chris wrote:

Orangebean wrote:

That's because you're 8 feet tall Chris!
Bloody lumpy lying across the engine, but I agree doable

I still climb up on top, I'm to old to lay across the engine and not pay the price, many of my neighbours have seen me perched on top of it, you can see they want to ask what I'm doing, but never do,,

When I had my old diesel P38 I found there was enough room in the engine bay for me to stand on the chassis rail to access certain bits. One of the few benefits of the straight 6 diesel over the V8 petrol :P