The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2312

Got some fiddling time on my hands, so think its about time I refurbished the matrix injectors
enter image description here
Anyone know where to get the rebuild kits for them? Tinleys and LPGShop don't seem to list anything.
Any pitfalls to watch for when dismantling- springs that fly out never to be seen again or anything?

Posts: 331

You in Australia this week??

Posts: 2312

No, but my Matrix is :)

Posts: 8156

I just Googled it for you but the problem I've got is that as I'm on a French ISP, Google keeps giving me results in France. Or not as is the case with this search but I did come up with this place http://nagaz24.pl/matrix-rail-repair-kit-plates,s,3459,p,en.html. However, Matrix XJ injectors are so damn reliable that unless they done a million miles and are clattering away like a bunch of grannies knitting, I'd leave them alone.

Posts: 2312

About 200 000 miles and silent as lambs :)
Found some on the bay also from Poland
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MATRIX-XJ-544-GENUINE-RAIL-REPAIR-KIT-LPG-Autogas-Injectors-XJ544-NEW-/322430546014, but at £100 plus I'll find something else to fiddle with. New vapouriser maybe...
Thanks for looking though

Posts: 2312

Actually I'm just going to crack on and fit this lot instead...
enter image description here

Posts: 8156

That looks like a far more productive way of spending the day. I was a little concerned at the number of packets with Britpart on them until I realised that is just the replacement bolts and you wouldn't think they could get too much wrong with them. Although I did find that a Britpart hub nut has a 36mm hex but the originals were only 32mm.......

I'll admit to suffering withdrawal and spent an hour this morning staring at things under the bonnet of mine to see if there was anything that needed attention. Having failed to find anything amiss under there, I've spent another hour reading bits of RAVE that I've never had need to read before. Still didn't find which adjuster does what on the headlights as my RH light is fractionally lower then the left and I was going to give that a tweak when it gets dark. All this sitting in the sun next to the pool drinking beer is beginning to get boring.

Posts: 2312

The headlight adjusters will probably rotate uselessly or be seized solid anyway, so you'll be able to take on a good mini-project removing the light unit, which will have at least one seized mounting bolt and rip itself out of the housing!
Could be a whole days work with beer breaks

Posts: 8156

Yeah, but without a workshop to get things in and give them a good fettling on the bench, I'd probably end up with a light held in with gaffer tape so it would be wise to leave that job until I'm back home. But when I'm back home, I've got the Ascot to finish off and then get stuck in to the SE as I really do need to do something with that so the headlight will wait until next time I'm stuck for something to do

Posts: 2312

As long as the reflector unit still moves on it springs, a carefully calibrated wedge of something will lift it up a bit :)

Posts: 8156

It's not important just mildly annoying. With it parked 15 feet or so from a wall, the beam cut off from the RH light is about an inch lower that that of the LH light. Easily within spec for the MoT just not perfectly symmetrical. Maybe I should just reverse into the parking space so I don't notice it.....

Posts: 2312

Deflate tyres on left hand side?

Posts: 2312

Might be more fiddling time than I hoped. Reversing up steep hill off-road to get it into workshop heard the distinctive click of transfer chain jumping a tooth
It'll have to wait till it gets worse though, but its always nice to know what the future holds

Posts: 8156

Skipping in reverse? I would have expected the wear to have been on the side of the chain that is under stress when going forwards.

Posts: 2312

Reverse uphill is max torque applied- lowest gear ratio and all that.
Could prove it by flooring it from standstill in reverse low up the same hill, but don't want to test to destruction at the moment. No problems skipping in normal daily driving yet, although when I first got it I thought I heard something once...
It can wait. Trans box is the only part of driveline that hasn't been replaced yet so has 280000 miles on it so chain will be getting tired.