The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 487

If this is felt inappropriate, Gordon, then please feel free to delete but hey, they say God loves a trier......

Well, we're down the pub and someone says. "What you been up to?"

"Writing a book." you reply.

Guy wanders off to the loo.

Anyway, just in case you're stuck for a Crimbo present for someone you hate...


Posts: 2312

Got to be great value- it's free on Kindle!
I'll download and digest...
How do you get your royalties from a free download George?

Posts: 805

Free on Kindle Unlimited, not sure I have that but for the sake of three quid I'm going to buy it anyway!

Posts: 741

Yes, I would say that it is Blatant George, but the important thing is was it cathartic ?!
(See a mate gave it 5 Stars too - nice touch - on your way to a Booker Prize !)

Posts: 487

Orangebean wrote:

Got to be great value- it's free on Kindle!
I'll download and digest...
How do you get your royalties from a free download George?

As I understand it (as much as I understand anything) it's free to those who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, or borrow via Lending Library. As the author, you are paid by how many pages the punter has actually read. Eventually. See, big brother is watching you.

For straight purchases, it's a straight payment. Even I can work that one!

Posts: 487

davew wrote:

Yes, I would say that it is Blatant George, but the important thing is was it cathartic ?!
(See a mate gave it 5 Stars too - nice touch - on your way to a Booker Prize !)

And he's not even a mate! :-)

Obviously a man of great taste and discernment!

Posts: 8165

300 pages? If it's even half reasonable once I start reading something I don't stop until I've finished it so I'd have no time for anything else (like work, eating, sleeping, etc).

Posts: 487

davew wrote:

Yes, I would say that it is Blatant George, but the important thing is was it cathartic ?!

Just to update. Yes it was cathartic, living here can be great fun but sometimes needs an outlet!

However, "cathartic" may soon change to "deadly", as Madam has insisted that I download it onto her Kobo for her to read.

Farewell, cruel world! :-)

Posts: 331

I've just paid £2.96 for it, George ................... you're going to need a lot of sale to get rich.

Posts: 487

OldShep56 wrote:

I've just paid £2.96 for it, George ................... you're going to need a lot of sale to get rich.

That's very kind of you, thanks!

I've sold 15 to date which is a whole 20 quid in royalties, less 30% Withholding Tax, so yeah, only another 999,895 to go!

Posts: 331

George, this book is fukking hilarious!!

Posts: 8165

Kindle tells me I'm 63% through it. Starts a bit slow but once you get into your stride I'll agree with OldShep.....

Posts: 487

Cheers Guys!

I kinda agree on the slow start, but leaving those first trips out lost something, and the scene wasn't set.

If you get me?

Posts: 8165

I know what you mean, it's the same with anything when you start trying to get creative. I used to shoot video of stage productions using 3 cameras and then edit them down cutting from one shot to another. I'd start off, get it looking right, then carry on but by the time I got to the end I'd go through and review it and as I'd got more into it the end was better than the beginning. Every time I looked at it I'd see something else that could be better and I had to give myself a deadline to stop or I would be constantly tweaking and never get it finished.

Posts: 487

As I said, I tried it without opening bits but it seemed a bit 'What?' 'Where?' 'When?' Like, where did this all come from?

A bit like being blindfolded and pushed into a swimming pool!