The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 129

My left hand side headlight wiper has stopped half way through its travel and doesn't move anymore. Drivers side still works fine.

Has anyone seen similar and fixed theirs?

Posts: 1310

I'd check for 12v at the connector when it's supposed to be running to determine whether it is a bad wire/connection to the motor, or whether the motor itself has seized.

If it's the motor, then I think the easiest way or replacement is to remove the whole headlamp module!

Posts: 8156

Unless it has always been sitting halfway through it's travel, then it's unlikely that it has seized, it's not going to suddenly seize while running, so a lack of volts would seem to be the most likely cause.

Posts: 665

If there is 12 V power at the connector its worth applying power direct to the unit and seeing if it tries to move, buzzes or gives other signs of life. As the fuse hasn't blown its probably not failed dead short so it should be safe to apply 12 V direct to the unit to see if there are signs of life. Prudent to use battery charger on trickle setting first tho'. Might even start moving if you help it.

Known good used is probably best, economical, fix as new is over £200. Fixing nuts are known to seize which makes removal hard. Start early by regular anointing with plus gas or similar a few days before you intend to do the job and make sure all visible threads are clean before you start removal.

Problems are frequently due to the arm spindle seizing in the long bearing. No provision for lubrication so eventually it all dries out and gets too stiff for the motor to turn. Exactly where it gets too stiff and stops is in the lap of the gods. On one I investigated the park switch had gone daft and stopped it at part travel too. Not done a P38 one but I have opened several of other breeds and fixed them. All of them were very stiff in the bearing. Basic strip, clean, re-lubricate job. As I recall it not exceptionally difficult. As usual when there is no manual to help taking it steady and thinking about how things come apart gets the job done.


Posts: 129

I commanded it to run continuously from the BECM and gave it a helping hand and it started moving again. I've also given it a spray but not sure if it made much difference since it looks sealed. Finally I cleaned the connection just in case there was some corrosion there.

Once it was running the drivers side was parking correctly but the passenger side was parking in the middle of the light, so I took off the arm an re-aligned it. Makes sense since there's only one park switch in the drivers side I believe.