I called my not so local LR dealer to confirm that us P38 owners in the US cannot buy a new key FOB. His info was the manufacturer who made the FOBs stopped making them. He could make me a standard key for about $30-provided I showed proof of ownership.
I then asked him if I provided the ownership papers he required to cut me a standard key could he use them to tell me what my EKA and FOB codes are. He told me that as far as he knows- and he has asked LR US this question due to other P38 customers asking the same- that the US P38's were never issued EKA codes. If a customer's car got into a superlock down (he called it something else which I cannot recall) that they would have to use the dealer's Testbook to open up the car and shut off the immobilizer. As of today his dealership no longer has a testbook so a P38 owner in this situation is up a creek.
So how bogus is this info from the head of parts who says he has been with LR since the Classic was on the showroom floor?
If you end up having only a stock key for a 2000 P38 after your FOB dies should you never lock your doors with it? Is straight key only safe to start and drive the P38?
I find all this hard to believe since most every thread on lockout always mentions using the EKA code first- and if not working check the micro switches.
Last-- if my only FOB dies and if I cannot get my EKA from a dealer-- how do I use my NANO to get my P38 up and running provided I have NOT locked the BECM?