The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 380

I sold all my parts cars to a mate in Hawaii when I started wandering on the boat......Now I need a Transfer case for the Borrego (Machine gun syndrome)
The 1995 car has had the Tcase pulled and left in the back when he sold the trans out of it. Becm is gone as well, so shutting the back was a bad idea.
He is happy to ship me the Case, (Free!) but I have to tell him how to open the back........
I know you can apply power to the rear hatch switch and solenoid via the RH door.....The door cards are all off on this one, so easy access to all wiring.
So....Probably Richard or Marty........Where does he apply power to open the rear?

Posts: 995

If he can get in through the side doors why not reach in and fold the rear seats down?

Should be able to manhandle the transfer case out of a side door then.

Posts: 8105

If he can get into the boot, behind the RH panel there's a black 12 way connector (not all ways are used though). On one side the wires are coloured but on the other side every wire is white. The white wires are the ones that go into the tailgate (so if anyone ever gets access to the wires they can't easily identify which wire does what to power the hatch solenoid). If he applies 12V to the white wire that is on pin 11 (fed with a Purple wire) and grounds the white wire on pin 10 (fed with a Green/Red wire) that will energise the tailgate release solenoid. It'll work the same as the pushbutton, so first timje will release the upper tailgate, second time the lower.

Posts: 380

I will have him see if he can fold himself into the proper shape to access the cubby back there.
My friend is a very tall individual, who will have a difficult time maneuvering in the boot......He says there is a Y pipe and Cats back there as well, and things are pretty well jammed in. Where do the Purple / Green-white wires next surface? Possibly an easier location?
Oh, and having a bunch of parts in the back precludes muscling it out the door.....

Posts: 8105

The power on the Purple wire comes from F15 in the BeCM but as it doesn't have a BeCM any longer, that would be pin 17 on C325 (18 way grey on the front of the BeCM). The Green/Red wire ties into the Green/Red that connects between the RH front door latch and the door outstation. If the RH front door still has a latch in it and the door is unlocked, there should be a ground on the Green/Red anyway from the door latch. Putting power on the Purple wire should make the pushbutton work as intended.

Posts: 380

Thanks again!
I have sent the info off to Hawaii. He can try it out between Hurricanes..........