The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 47

Greyhound5. Hello, I'll keep the intro short though as many of you will know I tend to ramble.
I've been invited here by a friend that I think many of us share a mutual admiration for from THE OTHER FORUM. The user name change isn't so much a ruse, though from the sound of it it might not be a bad idea I just got tired of using a handle that I chose at the drop of a hat rather than one that reflects something about me.

So yes I rescue retired racing Greyhounds (only one at a time now) I also have a large Mini longhair Dachshund that was my mother's until she passed a couple of years ago. Other interests include analog stereo from the 60's to 80's. I never got out of vinyl so there was no revival for me. I am stepping back into open reel tape after having gotten swept up in the digital age starting back in the mid 80's for all practical purposes. I have added a TEAC and an AKAI both full auto reverse 10.5 inch decks to my system to fill that part of my quest.

I live in the US and have had to work everyday for my money so mostly I've driven Fords with the occasional Buick thrown in, a few Volkswagens and a couple of MGs because that's what you do when you have to buy car parts quickly and inexpensively, you drive whats common.

I've always been in love with many of the old British badges. Not so much now that they have either disappeared or been sold off. I worked for British Leyland as a light mechanic back in 78-79 and got to drive many great cars. But Land Rover was one that has always been a favorite of mine.

I own three Rovers now (time for the giveaway) a 99my Range Rover S in Rioja Red. This ones been sitting in the garage for 8 years now with a destroyed motor caused by a slipped liner. A 2003 Discovery HSE7 (which I won't be mentioning in my posts) runs great unfortunately I broke a rather important piece of plastic that holds the center dash in place and haven't worked out how to fix it yet and a 99my Range Rover Callaway #123 in Niagara Grey.

Well I'll stop there. I did say I wouldn't ramble didn't I?

Posts: 331

I have shares in 8 racing greyhounds.

Posts: 24

As another fellow from the US, welcome! I also have a thing for vintage audio gear. Haven’t taken a dive into vinyl yet as that would be yet another hobby to throw money at! Currently running some solid-state Harman/Kardon Citation gear from the 70s plus some JBL L166s. At 150watts a side, it rocks pretty well haha.

Posts: 8165

I had to change my username over there, but I've updated my signature earlier this evening to give some of them a clue. Never got into reel to reel but run a Technics SL1200Mk2, a NAD CD player and Pure Digital DAB tuner into a NAD 3240 feeding Dual speakers (better known for decks than speakers). We've also got a mini longhair Dachshund, well, at the moment we've got 6, the original one (a dogshow champion in 5 countries), a female one which we were offered and couldn't resist and 4, 10 week old results of having an experienced stud dog and a female...

Still trying to work out who you are though, c'mon, give us more of a clue.

Posts: 47

So many replies so quickly.
OldShep56 I'll wish you luck with your steak in the Hounds. I never seem to pick winners so I just give them a good home to retire to.

BlackSpeed66 nothing wrong at all with setup. I run solid state. My current line up includes McIntosh 7270 amp and pre amp. Oracle Delphi MkI TT with a Grace 727 tonearm and Grace ruby cantilever stylus, TeraDak DAC, Yaqin tube buffer, Sony minidisc, Marantz CD and currently Wharfedale Reva - 4 speakers. Sometimes I change these out for either the Dhalquest DQ10's or the Martin Logan Sequel electrostatics. As well as the two reel to reels I've already mentioned.

Gilbertd you too have a fine system there and Dachshunds have been a close second for me and always my mother's favorite. As a matter of fact I'm the person responsible for getting her hooked on them back when I was about 12 or 14. But after meeting my first Greyhound 26 years ago I've been hooked for life.
As far as clues are concerned there all there. My User name explanation, My first range rover.................

Posts: 8165

Tracy???? Damn me, I even sent you a radiator.......

Posts: 102

Welcome aboard GH5-

I find gearheads often have the same obsessions.

As far as old stereo equipment--- I still run my Luxman M-300/CL35/PS-X600 table along with old 3-way Theils-- all of which I bought many many many years back when I finally had a few bucks to buy a good setup. When digital came out I went for a Denon DCD 3560 CD deck. Finally had to recap the DCD to bring it back to life. Sort of stopped there and never looked at any newer equipment. Now it seems I own "classic" equipment. I am not old-- I am "Classic"

Posts: 1371

I've got loads of sound equipment but stage stuff not hifi. Grew up with dad's flight-cased Revox's, Teacs, Akai etc real to reals around though and inherited an old Grundig real to real with 'magic winking eye' valve thing for recording level. At one point I used a Revox to record computer programs. My dad was an entertainer and ran a recording studio, one of the first 'acts' to make and use tape backing tracks due to most club organist and drummers being crap. He was working weeks away on cruise ships etc, one time he went he forgot to take his Revox so though he wouldn't be able to work, told the captain, captain said 'thats ok we have a Revox on the bridge that we used to use to record depth and seismic readings (nothing to do with Russian subs obviously) but we don't use anymore, you can borrow it'. Still got SL1210's, Denon 2500 and Denon 2600 amongst other stuff I used for DJing. Loads of speakers including 18" subs, Peavey Hisys 15" and 12" stuff, a JBL setup, loads of big power amps such as very heavy Peavey 2000 class b that needs repair), Peavey 2600 class H, active crossovers, mixers, etc. Sold my 4 EV SX500's just a few years ago, needed the space.

Posts: 47

Yes Richard you did, and now thanks to your invite I'm here! The Rad is still doing great by the way, thanks again for the assist with that.
I left a post dangling over at the "place that won't be named" about needing help with a telephone mounting bracket that came with no fitting instructions and isn't listed in the RAVE accessory section. I may repost here. I know you've see a lot of Range Rovers and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of knowledge and experience gathered here.

MarkTr I like you have become a classic. Luxman, fine, fine equipment and I've never owned a set of Theils but I've auditioned them back in the day when I could get near a HiFi shop that had the clout to offer them, absolute bliss. You should recap the crossovers in those if you haven't already. Bring them back to life like you might not expect.

Lpgc That is an absolutely great story about your father. Thanks for that. And I think we all know now who to call for our next block party! Neighbors and police be damned. I remember the "Winking Eye" tube on Wollensak tape decks also.

Glad to meet you all and thanks for the welcome.