The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 781

The main pages (or top pages) at RR.net were a treasure trove of information, built up over many years by many contributors.

When the new forum owners took over, the top pages were locked and as a consequence could not be updated. I know that Toad, no matter what you think of him, rewrote a lot of the sections but the owners (or IT guys) in Canada in their arrogance refused to alter them.

Just recently with the new look website, the top pages have disappeared altogether. All the forum users have a stake in this, they are not just the property of VerticalScope.

However a link has just appeared on the site. Apparently a guy has saved all the pages to his Google drive.
I have downloaded as much as I can. I can open documents OK but there are still some links to an external website. It needs someone with better IT skills to see if they can be kept as one standalone document.

We should have them available on here.

Posts: 501

Wayback Machine has it :)


Posts: 741

Thanks dave3d / tanis8472..... it's good to see those pages still exist !

IIRC some of the external links from that Home page were 'dead' anyway (?)

Posts: 781

Here is the link that was posted on RR.net:-


Posts: 501

That opens my Google drive 😳

Posts: 8165

I can open it but all I can see is individual copies of RAVE for each differnt model. I assumed he'd spent hours on the Wayback machine copying and pasting each of the pages from the self help bits.

Posts: 741

Yes Richard, but once unzipped the last .pdf file in the list does have those useful (Brabyn-type) 'Main Page' Repair Details within...!

  • 197 pages ,,, and definitely one for the 'Handy Downloads' Section on here (?)

Thanks dave3d and WaltNYC !


Posts: 384

Hey, Richard.....Or should I say "Don"? .......I note you are still beating the Mods up over there!
Good onya!
I also note that much like a stone windmill, the mods seem to be actively not answering your questions (Except for the 2 letters and a space)
It was nice of LLtrucking to chime in and let us know who the real dolts are! Verticalscope must have been invaded (infested?) by "Venture Capitalists"
Thus the push to make it "attractive" to a more upscale clientele.........
Very nice to see that the info is not really lost to us all! Just not where we left it.....kinda like our car keys.....(wink)
Carry on Chaps!