The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 302

Hi folks,

Lock mechanism in my daily has gone US, no longer detects the door opening, closer doesn't seem to return on it's own properly (guessing broken spring or similar) and makes an awful metal against metal bang when closing.

I'm guessing it's not worth attempting to repair it, but are the rumours of the rear doors being pigs to work on true?

Posts: 1310

The rears are't THAT much of a pig to work on - but more involved than the fronts, as the rear door latches are attached to the window regulator.

So while you have to disconnect the window, and drill the rivets out on the regulator to remove it all as a whole - the up side is you don't have to contort yourself or the latch inside the door to get the sodding thing out or back in again, like you have to do with the fronts.

Posts: 302

Cheers Marty. Another job for indoors then. Better clear some space in the workshop :)

Posts: 1141

If the rear windows on the P38 are anything like those on the Disco 2, then the lower edge of the frame may have started to disintregate and fallen into other bits of the door. It may be worth removing the inner door card to have a look before you order anything, Its the bit on the quarter light and the bit that clamps the glass that gives up on the Disco. It caused me to have to replace 3 of the door locks after having bits of rusty metal drop inside them (least I think thats what caused the problems with them, I got fed up after swapping the drivers one out for the third time to find it still didn't work so ended up ordering a new one rather than wasting more money on eBay only to discover every one of the "tested" ones off ebay didn't actually work).

The metal on metal bang sounds very much like the sound my broken front glass clamp made, due to it being in at least 3 pieces that weren't connected anymore.