The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 8106

Does he even still do them? I thought he had given up and gone away after too many people complained that he never replied to emails, never sent goods even though they'd been paid for, when he did they were crap, etc. I think the final nail in his coffin was when someone was chasing a fault for weeks and it couldn't have been the valve block as it was a refurbished one from the Doctor, only to find it was the valve block. Not seen him around for ages now.

Posts: 1307

pffft... I used to think he was OK - until I gave him a load of BECM information I'd spent hours researching - on the promise that I would get information back, as he knew someone at LRNA who had been involved in their design or something and had some other documentation... Funnily enough I never heard anything back, and when I chased him up on it, got a weedy response the first time, and nothing the second time...

Posts: 198

Thanks for the help everyone.

Il keep updated on how I get on and what advice I need next ha

Posts: 380

As Scotty always did me right, I will just say that having met him a couple of times, he did try to make a sincere effort to run his business until life got in the way.........Job, family, lack of space in new home ....The whole thing.
Couple that with a few vociferous customers who blamed him when they could not work out their other issues.......He burned out, and bailed.
Had he shut down as he wanted, when he wanted, none of the ugliness would have happened.
It was his good buddy ToadHall who encouraged him to keep on when his heart (and head) was no longer in it, and his time for it was non existent.
Oh, Marty, it does not excuse him for not replying to you, however, I had a conversation with him about your data.
His "friend" at LR completely failed to come through for him as promised, and he said he was very embarrassed by the situation........
In any event, as I said, he did very well by me and many others for a long time. He certainly should have shut it down a year earlier.

Just saying, there is a back story to everything.........

Posts: 1307

I always gathered he was a nice enough guy - and I didn't have anything against him. I still don't really - I'm just frustrated that I never got an explanation... if he'd actually some to me and said "look, I'm really sorry, but...." then I would have understood... Just getting could shouldered though is a bit rough.

I know how he feels though - there are plenty of times where I've felt like packing it all in and putting my efforts and energy into something else, but somehow I keep coming back for more. I do really get fed up with some of the people on other forums or FB groups spreading bad information, like it's gospel, or people why you take the time to try and explain it all just not bothering to listen to what you're saying.

There's always 2 sides to every story - you're right... I hope he's a happier man now - I must admit, I would hate to have to be dealing with some of his customers on a daily basis...

Posts: 487

He started off quite well. It took two attempts to get my valve block repair kit to me, but hey.

Then I got kinda frustrated that all I got for my next UD$250, was bullshit and excuses, followed by silence.

I'm a reasonable guy and when someone says they'll do something and can't, just say so.

Had he said, "Can't be arsed," and returned it, then different story.

That's when I started getting PMs from the God that is RRTH asking WTF I was taking about. I explained, he went silent too.

Posts: 1307

Funny how that happens isn't it...