The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 47

Hey all.
I haven't found a post on this here but have read a few on other sites. They're sketchy at best.
I have a Recirculate door Servo motor that has gone bad on my LHD right-hand blower which of course puts it firmly up against the wall of the right-hand inner body structure.
RAVE says to pull the entire fascia. I've read the shop time for this is 12 hours labor. I can believe this. I have read tales of others being able to change this servo by loosening and moving the blower housing over enough to get at the two screws, but no detail or even if they were working on a RHD or LHD vehicle.

Does anyone here have any experience with doing this? Any advice or ideas?

Thanks for any help that you can offer.

Posts: 8124

Not been in there any further than the blower recently but I would expect it to be much the same as a LH one on a RHD car. In which case if you open the glovebox and undo the 5 screws around the edge, the whole lot drops down (and you don't have to spend hours adjusting the glovebox lid to get it to close properly again). At least then you should be able to see it and work out for yourself how easy or otherwise it is to get to. It might be much like the blend motors where you can get to them with the dash in place, it's just a bit fiddly.

Posts: 47

Hey Gilbert, thanks for the reply. Either you're up early or late. lol,

Flash update. The spare (used) servos I bought showed up, so I've been out trying things and problems are moving.
I have had the glove box out and there is nothing I can see to do with it. What I've read is that you are supposed to be able to get at the blower housing bolts through the pollen filter after removing that box, which you have to do anyway to pull the seal through and back into the intake box. What's not been made clear is if the bolts are inside the vehicle or outside in the fresh air box. I need to remove a pollen filter to check.

In the mean time I hooked up the motors to the harness and using the NanoCom tried clearing errors and calibrating the recirculate doors. The error cleared and test book went away but came back again. This time saying that the left servo was open circuit, I plugged both spare motors in and neither one of them move when calibrating the recirculate or blend door servos.

I have some figuring out to do..........

Posts: 47

Well I figured out what was wrong. Pretty easy to discover.
Both replacement servos had stripped gears. They're both headed back for a refund.
In the meantime I'm leaving the two recirculation servos disconnected which will show open circuit errors in the controller. I don't usually use recirculation since I smoke cigars and prefer the fresh air setting.
Right now the right-hand side is stuck in fresh air and the left is stuck in the recirculation position.
I read somewhere that if a fault is detected with one the servos then it will prevent all of them from moving. I'm hoping that the blend and distribution servos keep working independently of the recirculation servos.