The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 647

What is the best way to clean the black baked muck from pistonheads? I bought a can of carburettor cleaner but that's a spray and only works on light polluted surfaces.
I want to put the pistons upside down in a soupcan with some solvent to soak (the soup is out) and brush it off, what solvent can I take?


Posts: 1327

I always use a brass brush on a battery drill, then final clean with diesel on a nylon scourer

Posts: 2312

Loctite 7200
Sprays on as a foam so leave to soak, then what Chris says

Posts: 647

That locktite 7200 I can go for, I was a bit scary to use brass brushes (i have a dremel with a rotating brass brush), I thought it would scratch the alu piston.
Then diesel, I will give that a try. Block is at the machineshop, expect it back in a day or 10.

Thanks guys, Tony.

Posts: 1327

What's more important, is making sure the ring grooves are clean, I usually snap an old ring and use that as a scraper to clean the groove, re brass brush, I don't use the dremel ones, as I feel that where there so small, they don't flex as much as the larger ones,, of course there is the old way of wire wool and elbow grease. Hope all else is going well for you

Posts: 741

Not wanting to scratch parts up (with the parts/pistons out) I have used Oven Cleaner of the nasty Potassium Hydroxide paste type with success; Soak/scrub off ! (Don't tell the missus just what you are doing though as she will then just point you at the oven next...)

Posts: 1327

Lol. I can't get away with not doing the oven, I buy those bags from £ shop, put racks in, next morning quick wipe and done,,

Posts: 2312

Surprised you're still around to tell the tale Dave if you've used Potassium Hydroxide on aluminium!
You get a fairly lively reaction!

davew wrote:

Not wanting to scratch parts up (with the parts/pistons out) I have used Oven Cleaner of the nasty Potassium Hydroxide paste type with success; Soak/scrub off ! (Don't tell the missus just what you are doing though as she will then just point you at the oven next...)

Posts: 741

Yes, fair point OB but the pastes/gels are relatively less corrosive. Brush on / soak for 15 mins. / rinse well / repeat until deposits removed. [Usual story - 2/3 cycles are better than one long one] Take the normal precautions - gloves/glasses etc of course...

Actually though now you mention it I left it on the BBQ for a few hours and now I can't find it.......

Posts: 647

I bought the Locktite 7200 stuff, works great. Spray it on (foam) and leave it for 20-30 mins, then an old toothbrush (why take an old one?) and brush it all off, a broken ring for the grooves and presto. I was thinking about the dishwasher but some person in this household was against it and she did not want to go shopping again.

Posts: 741

Good choice; Solvents-based ! Was also going to suggest Xylene but that's pretty toxic/nasty, too !