The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1

Hi, I’ve just bought a P38 2.5 dt in a T 1999 plate. Everything working fine then fob wouldn’t work, I got new batteries but wouldn’t unlock with remote. I have tried to start and a message which has never appeared before came up saying ECA manual! (Note: the car has not air suspension it has springs). Also when I can start it as it says engine disabled push remote. I have been online to try to resolve but nothing is working. Can anyone help me?

Posts: 8165

If it is just saying push remote and not enter code as well, EKA has been disabled in the BeCM but it needs it. The fob will need to be resynced but you can't sync it while the engine is disabled. If on coils, EAS Manual is normal and should go out after a few seconds. Do you have the EKA code for it? T plate says UK, where in the UK are you?

Posts: 5

Have you tried this, it works on my 1999 38'.
Unlocking the car with the key in the door and pressing the unlock button at the same time?

Posts: 8165

That will sync the fob but won't work while the engine is disabled, it needs the EKA entering either with the key or by a Nanocom or similar.

Posts: 672

First you will need to fix the starting issue as mentioned above ... if the 'EAS' (not EKA!) error stays on, whoever did the conversion to springs let the car 'brain' still believe the air suspension is still on ... sloppy job.
EAS - Electronic Air Suspension: air suspension system
EKA - Emergency Key Access: immobilizer/anti-theft code (you should have somewhere in the car documents a 4-digit code) which allows to temporarily (one time)* provide access to the vehicle and engine start.

  • permanently it means you are forced to use it every time FOREVER unless you fix whatever is making it happen! :-)

Welcome to the world of the RRP38, that some fool at Solihull thought would be more valuable than a Rolls-Royce at the time and therefore protected with such Fort Knox gizmos, all who duly fail in a car at the end less valuable than an old Tata Indigo :-)))

Posts: 8165

leolito wrote:

  • permanently it means you are forced to use it every time FOREVER unless you fix whatever is making it happen! :-)

Not necessarily. If you lock with the fob then unlock with the key, you need to enter the EKA. If you subsequently lock with the key and unlock with the key, you still need to enter the EKA every time. However, if you lock with the key, then unlock with the key, you don't need to enter the EKA. Equally, if it is in a state where it needs the EKA every time you unlock it, if you then enter the EKA with a Nanocom, after that you can lock and unlock with the key and it won't ask for the EKA. Turning EKA off in the BeCM doesn't, as many seem to think, mean it won't need it, it means, assuming it was programmed with an EKA originally, if it still needs it it just doesn't ask for it.

Posts: 672

I know ... I just wanted to instill some fun "fear" in the topic! :-)
We need emoticons perhaps :-)