The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 552

can you retro fit the heated rover seats into another car, or do you need the BECM to control them . if this can be done what parts are needed for the transfer?

Posts: 672

BeCM does give the output coming from the HeVAC switches.
At least you would need a HeVAC unit with the seat heater switches, and the seats themselves obviously :-)
Now, you might or might not have a BeCM that allows that, you should check the connectors, providing you have access, to check if the wiring is there. Otherwise, you will need to run some cables as well to allow for that.
Sameway for the connectors in the back of the HeVAC.
I gotta run now but someone else will fill in ... at least will give you: seat heater outputs are in connector C0877 (12-pin green, tunnel side, rear first from the back), pins 1 and 2.

Posts: 552

just to clarify when i say other car i am referring to a FJ 40 land cruiser. its an open top vehicle and has no heaters at all

Posts: 1228

You'll find two connectors under P38 seats for the heating elements - one is for the backrest and one is for the seat base. You need to wire them in series and just supply 12v - and you're done. So cut both plugs off, connect one wire from the seat base to one wire of the backrest, then +12v to one remaining wire and ground to the other. No fancy control required on these.

Don't connect them in parallel or you'll likely burn both elements out and/or cause a fire.

Posts: 552

thank you sloth .

Posts: 672

ha ha ha ... sorry I thought it was another RRP38 lol !
Then yes fitting into another vehicle not BeCM dependant is a simple thing.
Congrats on the FJ, I lots of respect and like for old Cruisers (I got a 70 series myself). You will turn it less reliable by adding LR parts though :-)

Posts: 8165

I'm amazed he's found a pair of P38 seats with heaters that still work......

Posts: 1228

Was about to say... chances are the elements in the base will have some breaks in them on the drivers side at least! Probably worth testing for continuity/resistance before bothering.

Posts: 552

i didn't say they worked , just asking to see if its withe the trouble . i spend a lot of time in the passenger seat and its bloody drafty . with my new additions i was thinking i could donate the seats and benefit from them
my rover is an SE model (Seated Edition) comes with seats , the other that i picked up is an HSE model (Hot Seated Edition) i dont know what else those letters stand for :)
PS now that it can simply be done i will see if they work and can they be fixed, at the present the seats in the FJ are racing style , climb in and out PITA stuff, so just leather seats on there own would be a blessing . lets just hope i can get them to work.