The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 8105

Or at least doesn't know it's left from it's right. I'm aware that it misreports ABS sensors as wrong but discovered a different one today. Fitted a Marty zebra strip to a HEVAC to get all of the display working and then set about checking why it had the book showing. Checking the faults and it showed RH blower as faulty, looking at the input values, it showed 0 as the feedback from the RH blower. So the blower was pulled out, the motor checked and the controller swapped for a known good one. Only to find it made no difference, still got the book showing. Figured this needed further investigation so decided to check the HEVAC before putting the console back together. Display checked fine (as expected) and then went on to check all the buttons. Poking the LH Temp down button and the Nano reported RH temp down, LH temp up showed RH temp up, RH temp down showed it as LH as did the RH up. So it has got them the wrong way round, what about the blowers? As the panel was still off, while the blower was running, disconnected the thin ground wire and the blower stopped and it went very quite. LH blower wasn't running and there was nothing wrong with the RH one at all. Found the problem with the LH blower, both now working perfectly and no book showing but had it told me it was the LH one in the first place I'd have saved an hour in pulling and checking the RH one.

Posts: 781

I don't have a Nanocom, I have a Faultmate and as a registered owner I can go on Blackbox Systems own private Faultmate forum and ask either for official support or see if someone else has had the same problem . It is a mine of information. I am sure there must be a similiar one for Nanocom devices.
Colin, the owner of BBS, is a member on here. I am sure he will reply if you flag up the issue to him.

Posts: 8105

There is a forum for Nanocom owners, although I think my first step will be to update the firm/soft ware as it hasn't been done for ages. I can easily see if it has corrected it by checking my temp up/down buttons and seeing if it shows the correct side.

Posts: 662

Fingers crossed that an update works. Its the sort of silly issue that tends to get left until one is needed.

Anyone know what the current firmware/software versions are and what the latest version needed for full P38 functionality is? Mine is maybe 4 years old and I've never updated it.

Need to find out why my Nanocom won't talk to the HEVAC system as I've had an intermittent book symbol for ages. Usually happens on first start in hot weather.


Posts: 804

my last update was about 2 years ago:

BBS Firmware Version 1.34

Kernel Firmware 1.10
Main Firmware 2.8
Graphic Controller Firmware 1.6Bn
OBD Firmware 1.04
Global Upgrade Level: 20180212

Changes incorporated in this release:

Vehicle specific:
Disco 2 BCU Ododmeter Sync fix
Defender PUMA Engine Management Fault code reading fix
P38 Gems Instrument Mode capture fix

Posts: 1141

1.35 is the current one, there is a 1.36 in beta available.

Posts: 804

lol - looking at the BBS forum - someone else told BBS that the home page says 1.34 is the latest. BBS replied, thanks we'll fix that right away.... was in February. BBS really don't seem to care...

Posts: 1141

Theres nothing suggested in the master change log about a relevent issue with the HEVAC getting left and right confused either.

Posts: 1307

It hasn't been updated. It's another one of the things that has been wrong for years.

I got in touch with BBS on the Nanocom forums years ago about the ABS labels being wrong and what they actually corresponded to. They said they'd look into it for the next firmware release and never did anything about it.

I found the HEVAC one a couple of years ago when I started refurbishing HEVAC controllers here and bench testing them, but never bothered to update BBS about that, given their lack of caring regarding the ABS one...