The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 552

first question is will it fit . can you take a hp22 from a p38 and fit it to a TD5 disco , its the torque converter thats the problem. the disco trans has 3 bolts holding the torque converter and a different flex plate , the p38 one has 4 bolts and a larger torque converter . considering that the torque converter in the disco has shit its self with the pump , (apparently its a common problem) can the bigger converter be fitted , if so what is required to do this or do you need to use the original converter with a different flex plate set up. any info would be appreciated

Posts: 87

Another problem could be the tail end ,... I have never examined them close up but they fit to two very different transfer boxes so the output housing/tailshaft could well be different.
Also would the larger TC fit in your bellhousing? Dave Ashcroft will have the answers but there must be someone out there who has the bits to compare? Is the D2 ecu controlled like the P38?

Posts: 8165

+1 on giving Dave Ashcroft a call, he will know the differences and which bits you would need to swap over as it's the same box, https://www.ashcroft-transmissions.co.uk/automatic-gearboxes/zf4hp22eh.html

Posts: 1228

If it's from a diesel P38, it'll have a 3 bolt flex plate too. No idea about the bell housing or tail end lengths though, probably need to do some mix and matching.

Posts: 552

i have looked at Ashcrofts and apparently i need a new flex plate and another boss to bolt to crank to take the new flex plate . its also recommending it be remapped to get full advantage of the bigger torque converter . the hp22 gearbox is already fitted to these models its just the torque converter thats different apparently
was hoping someone else had already done this and could offer some advise .
yes its a TD5 so its a diesel , the smaller torque converter in the diesels is a problem apparently , the original has done the torque converter and destroyed the box as well which is the reason for the upgraded torque converter .

Posts: 8165

Phone them and speak to Dave, he'll tell you exactly what bits you need to change.

Posts: 552

we do have a company in Australia that is a distributor for ashcrofts . i will ring them .
i was hoping someone had done this and they could offer some advice . i think all i need is a new flex plate and a boss to bolt on to the crank and a hole saw to get access to the bolts that hold it together . i will sort this and reply hopefully with some details.

Posts: 383

Who is the Ashcroft agent here?

Posts: 552

according to AULRO .com Ritters in Melbourne do the conversion , was going to start there

Posts: 552

have forgot to ask about this , he struck a problem and stopped, couldn't get to the bolts , will give some direction for the info he needs as he couldn't find it ,he was also told that he would need a computer to run it but i think that is only required if you don;t have an electronic model eg defender .

Posts: 8165

There's 2 versions of the 4HP22/24, the 4HP22 as fitted to the Classic and the 4HP22EH as fitted to the P38. The EH version is electronically controlled.

Posts: 552

yes the electronic set ups are for models that didnt have the electronics to start with , this is a D2 so has the electronics to run the EH box .

Posts: 379

I know pump go bang why not simply put td5 bellhousing into P38 gearbox that way should work

Posts: 379

Mates DSE blew pump so I used another box with his original bell housing and TC --- working fine

Posts: 552

that;s what he is doing except he got some dodgy advise and got stuck with the bolts on the flex plate , didnt know he had to cut a hole in bell housing to do them up with other things . have directed him to Ashcrofts and i will pay more attention with the job
PS this is an upgrade using the hp22 TC out of the p38 , it also needs to be remapped .

Posts: 379

I'm surprised td5 torque converter & bellhousing didn't fit P38 box You only need remap because bigger TC bogging engine

Posts: 552

you have to use the original bell housing, and yes it bolts strait on but if you want to use the v8 TC you have to modify the bell housing so you can do up the bolts , this where he got stuck , the bigger TC dosent quite fit and you have to drill a hole in the side to get access to the bolts.
the original gear box ripped up the pump and TC so it destroyed the box, its a common fault .