The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 96

Dear All,
Having long been unimpressed with the darkness of the lighting in the load space i recently used one of these to replace the bulb in the tailgate laod psace light;
enter image description here
That got me thinking, so got a pair of these from a scrapper
enter link description here
enter image description here
I then cut the end of
enter image description here
and cut again
enter image description here
then discarding the middle section i used hot glue from teh back to bond the two pieces together
enter image description here
and then a bit of scrap plastic from the discarded middle section and a soldering iron to plastic weld / fill the gap
enter image description here
which after a rough and ready file and sand looked presentable
enter image description here
next bend the original bulb holder brass contacts to shape to grasp the SMD panel, that means bend the very top over and fold them flat against the back
enter image description here
use some hot glue to hold it in place
enter image description here
connect up the wires and hey presto you have a OEM style manually operated load space light just waiting to be cut into the headlining.
enter image description here
See you on the next post

Posts: 96

FFS I've followed the forums instructions, Gilbertd's instructions and all the other advice i can find but non of them result in getting images to show in my thread.

Can someone please provide advice as to how to get photos to appear within the thread?

Many thanks

Posts: 8165

Like that. What you are doing is linking to the page that has the picture on it and not the picture itself. What I just did with your post was click the links to go to the page the images are on, then right click on the actual picture and select copy image location, then paste that in the pop up box.

I've done something similar but much less OE looking. I just glued an LED panel over the hole where the original 'candle in a jamjar' light had been. Works very well, the only problem being that I keep my toolbox on the LH side of the boot (where the sub and CD player would be if I had them) so I'm standing in my own shadow. One day I'll get around to getting another LED panel and fit it on the other side.

Posts: 201

enter image description here
Wow 😮 bright(sic!) idea 💡
Will be copied 😉
In the meantime I doubled the genuine one, while I had to take the third brake light cover out anyway.
Was a few minutes with a hand mill and two wires plus doubling plugs 🔌

Posts: 552

you can buy leds to fit the lights, i done the interior with them , makes a big difference.
i do like the mods to the lights so that you can turn them off and on when needed, clever how you cut them down.

Posts: 672

Nice ideas all! I like the "double" tailgate lamp ... will make that!
I wired two lights on the sides, above the wheel arches, and I used the typical "door sill" light from our junkyard audis.

Posts: 1141

Gilbertd wrote:

Like that. What you are doing is linking to the page that has the picture on it and not the picture itself. What I just did with your post was click the links to go to the page the images are on, then right click on the actual picture and select copy image location, then paste that in the pop up box.

The best option to use if your using onedrive is the embed option from the photo, that gives you a link to use, you can just copy that hyperlink straight into the box on this forum for insert picture.

Can you make the how to topic sticky? It seems not to be so currently?

Nice work on the mod @PC38