The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 280

I believe this is a common problem.

I have partial numerals some of the time and occasionally it goes back to full numerals but is getting worse.

Is there a cure?

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone and thanks for all the help so far. I must admit having retired at the beginning this year and with Covid, my fuel consumption through lack of use is amazing!

Posts: 8165

There is a cure and Marty supplies what's known as a zebra strip to fix it but unfortunately he's working away in NZ at the moment so can't sell you one. He's supplied them to a number of other specialists who are selling them on (and no doubt adding their mark up on), such as https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233780270593. Marty's excellent instructions are here http://p38webshop.co.uk/RRdocs/P38%20HEVAC%20Pixel%20Fix%20v2.pdf

I also retired at the end of March (two weeks of working from home followed by just home.....) and my fuel consumption has gone through the roof. I can drive the car during the daytime rather than just in the evenings now. Went to the nearest bank that was still in my tier 2 area yesterday to pay a cheque in and ended up doing a 60 odd mile run because I can.....

Posts: 280

:) I do that with my Boxster in summer.

Tier 4 in Dorking and the weather is awful!

BTW, thanks for the info.

Posts: 665

Thanks for the zebra strip link.

Mine has just decided to go from very occasionally not all there to almost nowt. So its got to be done now rather than waiting for summer.

I expect the zebra will turn up same day as the snow!


Posts: 8165

I'm going to need to do mine sooner or later. I've got a couple of segments that don't like the cold but wake up once the interior warms up (bit like me really). No doubt once it's warm enough to get out there and pull the HEVAC out, it'll be working fine so will get left until next winter.....

Posts: 665

If mine is anything to go by you have about 3 years before it dies.

I'm down to 2 maybe 3 segments about half the time but about 1 in 5 starts, if its not that damp chill cold, they all come up and wave "Hi, I'm still here."

Then go away on the next start. Even if it was an "go to .." morning run and next start to come home was midday or early afternoon so its actually warmer.

Not to mention the occasional few minute to half hour appearance mid drive once the car is nice'n toasty inside.

Frustration may be good for the soul but not blood pressure or vocabulary.
