The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 8122

Went out for a bit of (essential) shopping earlier and as I pulled into the supermarket I heard a little pop, looked down and saw this had appeared.

enter image description here

A few weeks ago I heard something hit the screen but didn't notice an extra stone chip (in addition to the 3 or 4 that I already have). Seems that I didn't notice it as it was obscured by my sat nav mount and it had decided to change from a stone chip to a crack.

enter image description here

I've got windscreen cover on the insurance so that isn't a problem and the heated screen has only worked in odd strips for a long time so a new screen will be a bonus. Wondering if it will be better to leave it until the weather is a bit warmer before getting it done, any thoughts?

Posts: 1365

Wouldn't want to go far and it completely break. If you're not going out much due to lockdown it could be the ideal time to arrange a date with insurance windscreen fitters, they might not be as busy as usual due to people not using their cars so much, or if they're busy (maybe they get busier with cracked screens this weather) and mess you about changing the date of an appointment you won't mind so much if you don't have any plans anyway due to lockdown. Any down sides to fitting a windscreen in cold damp conditions? If it's not an inconvenience it's a bonus... new completely pit free screen with fully working electric heating.

Posts: 739

OUCH !.... as you know it is a fiddly job replacing the screen, and in this weather it needs to be done inside (due to the bonding agent in particular)

Speaking of 'fiddly' I would personally use some super-glue in/on the crack and/or wait for warmer weather.....

eg. This kind: low-viscosity for 'wicking' (ie. capillary) purposes:

Posts: 8122

Not a bad idea. I figured that fitting a screen when it's cold has the potential to end up with a donmac type bond. As I don't have any water leaks at the moment, and haven't had since I've owned the car, I'd rather not introduce any.

Posts: 379

If water gets into the crack then freezes mmmmm I'd be surprised if window fitters don't take this weather seriously as most replacements are done in cold weather

Posts: 334

Having just had my front screen replaced I would suggest that you insist on a Pilkington replacement as they make the LR ones. The earth wires on the first pattern part one that the fitters bought just fell off as they got it out of the van!

Posts: 1141

When I've had a windscreen done by Autoglass the local van that did it, had a pull out roller on one side (a bit like an awning) that gave him an area to work with the car covered from above in the event the weather wasn't good (which mine was being done in November and weather wasn't too great on the day in question).

The advantage of not doing it now would be that you might have it new when there isn't regular gritting going on to chip it again. Though the other advanage of doing it now is your bound to get a chance to test the heated screen fully. Also the thing I've noticed having had 2 screens crack like that (both on the same car) is that the crack tends to spread over a couple of weeks. The current cracked screen started off with a stone chip that was smaller than your hand, in the space of a couple of weeks its spread across 3/4 of the width of the screen with the cold weather.

Posts: 8122

It spread about another 4 inches in the drive back from shopping and almost certainly will continue. Just checked the weather forecast and Tuesday/Wednesday next week should be up to 10-11 degrees so I'll call on Monday and see if it can be done then when it's warmer. I'd rather take it in and have it done but that would involve a lot of hanging around and probably a "go and wait in the waiting room sir". On the other hand, if it's done at home I'll be able to keep an eye on what is being done and replace the plenum filter while it's off too.

Posts: 655

The warmer the better (except soaring heat), the silicon dries faster reducing the time before use.

David how much was that Pilkington? Good to know is still available ... mine has a Nordglass replacement and the defogger works ... randomly. Maybe someday ...

Posts: 275

do you mind if I ask who would replace the windscreen be careful if it auto glass as had few issues with them when done mine

Posts: 8122

Don't know who will do the job, I have to phone the insurance company and it is arranged through them. I'm going to insist on a like for like replacement so as it has a Pilkington heated screen in it at the moment, that's what I expect it to be replaced with. I've seen some of the bad experiences others have had when screens have been replaced so will keep an eye on how it is done. I had two screens fitted at home on my works van. The guy that did the first one was really chatty, knew what he was doing and was quite happy with me being there while he did it. The second guy didn't want me there and did a really crap job.....

Posts: 383

You can stop the crack spreading by drilling a tiny hole (say 1mm) at the end of the crack. Might save you having to worry about it until the weather is better.

Posts: 275

Gilbertd wrote:

Don't know who will do the job, I have to phone the insurance company and it is arranged through them. I'm going to insist on a like for like replacement so as it has a Pilkington heated screen in it at the moment, that's what I expect it to be replaced with. I've seen some of the bad experiences others have had when screens have been replaced so will keep an eye on how it is done. I had two screens fitted at home on my works van. The guy that did the first one was really chatty, knew what he was doing and was quite happy with me being there while he did it. The second guy didn't want me there and did a really crap job.....

auto glass did mine it a two man job they should supply new trims and clips for the bottom scuttle as they can break and get some new screws for the scuttle as the old ones can be rusty
and last but not least the two earth wires fixing can snap off

Posts: 552

thats not good , it will crack full length in no time , sometimes you can push lightly on the inside and direct the crack to the edge but yours is in the middle heading for the sides , you really have no where to go with it except for a replacement . if you have expensive wiper blades may pay to replace with cheap ones until you do replace the screen.

Posts: 8122

I'm going to leave it until Monday before booking it so if the crack spreads it isn't really that important, it's not like it's going to fall out. I may well have a 200 mile journey to do on Sunday morning anyway so it won't surprise me if I've got a two piece screen by then. There's a £100 excess on the insurance so it's going to cost me that for a £500+ screen. Wiper blades were new Bosch ones not that long ago but since fitting them I spent a week near the Baltic Sea and they suffered a bit from airborne sand so could do with replacing again anyway.

I'm more concerned about getting it fitted properly than anything else.

Posts: 677

When I go to get mine done (also cracked), I plan to R&R al the trim myself. Maybe in England you'll find a glass technician who's familiar with the P38. Here, he probably hasn't even seen one drive by. He will certainly not know the procedures for removing the trim without breaking it to bits.

Posts: 383

Most of our insurers here will give you a free windscreen per year, no deductible and no loss of NCB.

Posts: 334

Leo, the screen was replaced under windscreen cover but I think Richard is right, about £500 for a Pilkington one. National windscreens did mine and the lads were very good. Got a new top trim as part of the deal.

Posts: 275

Gilbertd wrote:

I'm going to leave it until Monday before booking it so if the crack spreads it isn't really that important, it's not like it's going to fall out. I may well have a 200 mile journey to do on Sunday morning anyway so it won't surprise me if I've got a two piece screen by then. There's a £100 excess on the insurance so it's going to cost me that for a £500+ screen. Wiper blades were new Bosch ones not that long ago but since fitting them I spent a week near the Baltic Sea and they suffered a bit from airborne sand so could do with replacing again anyway.

I'm more concerned about getting it fitted properly than anything else.

100 quid is about right I paid 75 excess on mine for new screen with autoglass
did look at getting screen my self but like you said it was 500+

Posts: 591

I wish mine would develop a crack as it would be nice to have the heating elements work again!