The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 290

Well, Ive come to realise despite repairing the car more than it was really driven, it is in fact that which I enjoyed.

Now I have had to give up the car, I am at a loose end and its made me think that the constant repairs was what was keeping me sane in an otherwise mundane life.

Ive also been reading up on selling a spares/repairs car in France and it wont prove easy. You are not allowed to sell a car that cant be driven, luckily mine can, albeit only a few miles before it blows out.You are not allowed to advertise the car for spares only. Its all very harsh because they dont want any cars that need repairing in circulation and therefore forcing you to get it scrapped.

I will in fact advertise it on a Polish forum where they buy spare/repair cars across Europe so fingers crossed.

If I cant sell it I will gladly offer it to anyone on here for free but obviously it will need collecting on a trailer so let me know if you would be interested.

Fortunately I have a motorbike, Goldwing thats 30 years old so I have something to tinker with in the mean time.

enter image description here

Posts: 331

You can buy mine in the NY when I change it ..................... doesn't need anything doing except a new compressor in the future. Compressor works fine but has a Gilbert mod that won't last forever. I'd even drive it down to you ........ would give me chance to give the new one a blow and I haven't been down that way for yonks.

Posts: 290

I dont think I would buy another one whilst living in France but I might look for one again should I return to the UK.

Have you decided what you are going to buy?

Posts: 331

I am looking at at least an 08, it has to be a V8 ... there seems to be very few 4.4 V8s about so it will more than likely be a 4.2 s/c V8. As crazy as it sounds, I really can't afford to have lots of cash sitting about so need to turn it into material possessions so will blowing around 20k on the next beastie. I won't own many more cars and this could be my last so I'm going out with a bang. Something like this

and why the fukk can't I get my pics to post??? They are sat in photobucket but I don't seem to be getting on with the little 'insert image' icon

Posts: 290

enter image description here

You need the Http:// address which is obtained by right clicking on the photo and getting image address .

Posts: 331

This is ridiculous!!! I have posted pictures before!!
I can get the links up on here but not the actual photos ............ and how did you manage it?? My photobucket is supposed to be bloody private lol

Posts: 290

You mean this one ;)

enter image description here

Posts: 331


Posts: 290

Dont worry, Ive just checked and your library is private, its only because you shared the above links to the above photos that I can use them.

So are you doing these steps to get photos posted.

Click on the photo link which then opens up the insert hyperlink address.

Then insert the http address into the box and enter.

Posts: 331

enter image description here

That is what happens when I do it :o((

Posts: 331

Oh fukk me, I did it lolol wasn't happening before.

Posts: 331

This was my previous one ..... the Pimpmobile
enter image description here

Posts: 8165

Paul, I suspect the Poles won't be interested in it as they buy them to strip for spares. If it was a Peugeot or Citroen diesel they would bite your hand off, but a P38? I somehow doubt it.

With the effort and expense you went to to get it onto French plates, it seems a shame to give up on it now. I appreciate that you don't have the facilities to swap and engine at the side of the road but there's enough of us over here that would be able to find a decent block and build up a good engine from bits of yours. I'd happily come over with a trailer and collect it from you and I'm sure Chris would be up for lending a hand too.

My mate in the south who I buy the cars from the US with, has just acquired a P38. It's a '98, 4.6 HSE, RHD on UK plates with the typically French crack on every corner of the bumper. I was horrified when he told me he'd got it (he swapped it for a RHD, UK registered, 51 plate, Peugeot 406 Coupe diesel that I picked up over here for him for £1200 about 3 years ago) as his comprehension of electrics is negligible. Automotive electrics overtook him somewhere around 1975 so the thought of him trying to deal with the quirks on a P38 horrified me. However, he's listened to advice, rather than trying to fix it himself, he's ordered a new door latch from Marty to stop the locks dancing and the BeCM thinking the drivers door is open all the time (which also means the EAS doesn't work), he's fiddled with a passenger electric seat that kept blowing fuses and is quite enjoying it. He admitted that he can understand how someone could get completely overwhelmed with multiple faults but if you take one thing at a time and tick them off as you do them, there's far more satisfaction to be had than anything he's every owned before.

He'll be leaving it on UK plates though as he's checked and found it'll cost 1350 Euros just to transfer the registration, not to mention having to change lights and anything else they may want him to do. I assume you had to pay that, twice the cost of a decent secondhand engine.........

Posts: 290

Sounds tempting Richard. I really appreciate the thought. I will give it some thought aswell.

To transfer mine cost appx €150 to get a conformity certificate from Range Rover France.They basically state that the P38 conforms to eu regs.
Appx €500 for the registration. If a car is 10 years older or more it receives 50% off the registration fee so it would have cost €1000 .
I was lucky and got the headlights from ebay for £100.

Although your friends is a 4.6 it shouldnt cost much more than mine did but it is dependant on the region you live as they all charge different prices but I suspect he hasnt taken into account the 50% reduction as its over 10 years old.

Posts: 290

Also Richard if your friend is a resident in France it may prove difficult to keep it on UK plates though he probably already knows that.
He will still have to have an MOT and road tax despite driving it in France otherwise his UK insurance will be invalid.
From what I remember you have 3 months to register a vehicle if you are a resident in France. If you get caught by the police in France they can force you to register it plus a fine.

Posts: 8165

He checked and the 50% discount for cars over 10 years has now been stopped, hence the 1350 Euros (he's in Alpes Maritimes so everything is more expensive there) so with that and the CoC, it isn't worth it. He's lived there for over 25 years and has residency but has always driven UK registered cars. Most of the ex-pats in that area do. As well as the P38, he's got a '93 Discovery, a 1988 Mercedes SL500 and his wife drives a RAV4, all on UK plates. He's had the Disco for the last 12 years and it is probably the only rust free 200TDi Disco in existence (I've also lapped the Monaco Grand Prix circuit in it for the hell of it). So much cheaper to buy cars here than there. Rather than having an MoT, road tax and UK insurance, he gets a CT on them and insures them with a French insurance company and the Gendarmes are happy with that. Insurance company (Axa) isn't fussed, they are insured on the UK registration number with Etranger noted after it. They are declared SORN with DVLA (well, they are off the road in the UK....) so no need to keep them taxed or insured over here.

The only time there is a problem is if a UK registered car is kept over there with no CT. As most of them have been out of the UK for so long that the MoT and road tax has expired. Without a CT the French insurance is invalid so that is where the problems start in the event of an accident.

Posts: 290

Thats odd about the 10 year discount as I litterally registered my motorbike last month and it still applied. Maybe its regional.