The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 77

Hi all, here is my way for hosting images for free using my existing Google Drive.

To utilize this method you must first have a GMail account.

You start by uploading an image to Google Drive . If you have a GMail account you get this for free.

Once the file is uploaded left double click on the file listing, which in turn will open the image, then click on the three dots, and then "Share".

enter image description here

Click on "Copy Link"
enter image description here

You'll see you have a link that looks like this:


Change it so you have this instead:

In your forum post click on Image and paste that URL in. There you go.
enter image description here

Posts: 77

My next step will be writing something in javascript that does the url change over automatically but this works for now. It just occurred to me that maybe an extra button added
under "new post" would be more appropriate and an easy intermediate step until image hosting is up.

The original idea was taken from this blog post .

Posts: 103

That looks like a good way to do it! There's a bit of discussion in the flaskbb project about creating an image uploading thing but no-one's really got it working well yet. About the only thing we can agree on is that everything else we've seen is a pain in the backside.

Adding a bit of javascript to clean up the URL shouldn't be hard, I don't think. I think the UI for the link editor in the javascript editor for posts sucks, it's way too complicated and confusing.

Posts: 275

be good once there is a quick way to post pics I'm using https://imgbb.com/ this one at the min it ok for what I need