I measured the resistance from pin 7 at the RH kick panel through to the positive at the round plug for the a/c compressor - which is negligible (it was 28 ohms before i jetted pins1/7/12 with contact cleaner). I no longer get a ghost 12v signal at the condenser (which was there at ignition off, too),. After I cleaned the RH connector the clutch even kicked in for a couple of brief moments, so i think my issue is that one or more conditions for grant and request via pins 1 and 12 are not being satisfied.
I'll keep looking tomorrow, but does anyone have a detailed systems document for the HEVAC ECU - with a list of the conditions required for a/c grant, and request Rave is a bit vague, so I'm looking for the next level of detail My sensors all look to be reading fine. Temp is at Lo. Engine on
In the last couple of weeks (after i tried to calibrate the blend motors, in fact) my distribution flaps have frozen at 83%. I can't really be bothered to free them up at this point, unless we think that that would be enough for the ECU not to apply a/c? So it does have a service book symbol, which registers during the blend flap test cycle at start-up - so most likely the distribution flap being frozenas opposed to anything else.
I just saw today that the GEMS ecu reports that the AMFR correction is at the maximum positive value, so MAF may need a clean, but I assume that's unconnected
50th RR 1998 4.6L GEMS, 50th Defender 4.0L GEMS, Nanocom Evo (P38/ GEMS)
Formerly 200Tdi 90 CSW and SWB Series 3
SW London