The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 384

Well, it's not an oily bit, but it will leak as soon as the tape comes off.......
I loaned Bolt to a mate for a few days and is seems it does not like him.
First, it started a slight front end wobble, that turned into a 60 mph "Wobble- O- Death".
Found LF tyre is a bit wonky and the stabiliser is knackered....Easy fix.
Next, the EAS decided it was going to be in extended mode, blink and beep at him and refuse to lower.
This showed as an "Pressure switch failure" on Nano.....This it has done before, however clearing the fault
fixes it, and the switch, and pump are fine, with recent pump overhaul.
On the way back here, he was driving at highway speed, came to a slow bit, and when he released the brake pedel, he said it roared off like he had hit the gas. This was only once and only for a second, so I am thinking I need to lube the throttle cable.
Annnnnnd.....Last but certainly relating to the title of this post: The rear glass spontaneously shattered as he was driving a low speed on a smooth road.
All this in just 3 days!
He found some small sharp bits of gravel just inside the glass on the lower left corner. This was from some concrete blocks we hauled last year. Somehow a few grains went into the area between the glass and the plastic trim piece on the bottom of the lift hatch and worked their way into a tight enough spot to scratch the glass. bang!
Question is:
I know the glass is bonded, but is it tough to remove one from another hatch and re install. I can get a hatch from a breaker for 50 bucks, but it is a horrid green respray, so if I can swap the glass I will be happy.
I tried searching, but came up empty.

Posts: 334

When mine broke it took a fair while to get all the bits of old glass and the adhesive out. iI's pretty hardwork to remove so I just got the autoglass boys to replace it with a Pilkington one. I really don't think it is feasible to remove an old one. Maybe with a recip saw but, worth the effort?

Posts: 8165

At the risk of sounding like you know who, it's in RAVE under Chassis and Body - Repair - Backlight Glass which is section 76, pages 87-89 on my copy (at least I didn't just say it's in RAVE and leave you to it as you've almost certainly looked anyway). Doesn't look to be much of a fun job though and if it were me I'd try to find a tame windscreen fitter and bung him a few beer tokens to do it for you.

Posts: 1371

I'd have to wonder if the mate might have caused the problem tyre and glass that's been there 20 years to break...

Posts: 552

when mine was attacked by the lawn mower i replaced the whole door as the door was damaged as well. when i painted the other door it didn't look to hard to do , the top and bottom strips just pull off and the clips slide sideways and the glass is held in with a bonding agent . they is a tool for the removal of the bonding agent but if you can get a piece of piano wire or similar behind the glass you should be able to cut it out.

Posts: 384

Yea, I know....."Search is your friend".......It's in Rave.......And i did indeed look in Rave. Just wanted to know if there were any top tips from someone who had done one.
Thanks for the responses. I have had a good look at it, and decided that I will drive the 5 hour return and get the horrid green one. I had real good luck with an paint company in Louisiana when I needed exact match paint for the Borrego front grill. Awesome match and a rattle can of paint plus a can of the correct clear coat was about 35 bucks delivered!
I will look into a can of white to match and just respray. Easy.
Lpgc: Naw, I did an autopsy and discovered the wedged in sharp sand and I am guilty of transporting the source of said grit, tho' I would have never suspected the grit getting in where it did.
Tyre as well, since I had felt a slight wobble a couple of times. Swapped both fronts to rear, problem gone.
Ordered a new stabilizer as mine is pretty weak.
Thanks again!

Posts: 334

One other thought. The insurers covered the rear screen under windscreen cover. Not sure why but might be worth checking.