The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 275


would anyone know why my diesel p38 is making this noise when on charge

when I lock it up all the door locks buzz and only passenger one when unlocked is it a sign the door lock acculator is on its way out

Posts: 8165

Is it the door latch or is it coming from the speakers? If the battery on the Ascot is flat, which used to be a regular occurrence until I treated it to a nice new Hankook MF31-1000, when I put it on the charge one of the rear door locks would constantly try to lock every second or so until the battery voltage rose to above 10 V. That sounds more like mains hum which makes me wonder if a door amp is permanently powered.

Posts: 275

sounded like it was more from door latch
the stereo is disconnected I took it out totally
it stopped buzzing after a couple of minutes it first time I've heard it do that noise as the battery is totally dead

Posts: 383

Just disconnect the earth lead prior to charging, charge the battery, then re-connect.

A noise like that can’t be good, and as GillbertD says, it sounds like a 50/60 Hz hum.

Posts: 384

+1 on disconnecting battery.
It sounds like the charger may have a bad diode in the bridge rectifier, thus is passing a serious amount of ripple on to the system.
There are some "Fancy" chargers that pulse to attempt to de sulfate the battery. These can also cause enough ripple as to harm delicate electrics. With a stone dead battery, until it accepts enough charge to be a filter, the charger will be powering all the electrics.
Pulsation, or ripple is not good.
Disconnecting the battery and fully charging is the correct course as Marshall suggests

Posts: 275

thanks guys if it dies like that again I will take the battery off nextime it only done it this once it not made that noise on any car I'll start it in a bit hopefully nothing has been fried