Well,.. its definitely oily! .... I knew I was down on compression on number 6, but reckoned that as it still ran well enough I would risk a trip. Fact is it has been off the road for most of lockdown and this is my first trip beyond Tesco or the local hospital..... 500+km, ....4 litres of engine oil and 2 litres of coolant later.... (and one tricky moment when it wouldn't restart!) we arrived in S.E. Kent.
Most of the oil was blown out of the dipstick vent hole, .... and I found quite a bit of it lathered over the rear tailgate!
We are now in Kent for at least a couple of weeks (probably more now, but don't tell the wife!) and the best quick fix I can think of is a good second hand engine,... any good thoughts / leads / etc. would be really appreciated. I have friends and some tools and some wrenching / lifting / shifting is possible.
Any help really appreciated, ...thanks Rob