The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 280

I stupidly let the battery go flat on my 2001 P38, (don’t ask).

When the dash requested me to reset sunroof and windows, I did but when the drivers window reached its full height it went into this clicking Ratchet type sound which I’m sure isn’t very good!

Does this mean that I have a worn component? If so, Can someone tell me so I can order the part pre-stripping down.

Of course it might just be an adjust or other repair.

Interested to know if someone has had this experience.


Posts: 8165

You need a window regulator as yours has worn teeth at the top of the travel. https://www.island-4x4.co.uk/window-regulator-front-britpart-cvf100740-alr78-p-114.html

I suspect most of us have had it at some time, mine was doing it when I first got it and it was only 12 years old then.

Posts: 280

Thanks for that.

I will order one up first thing in the morning.

Posts: 805

I have literally just done this on mine! The teeth had worn away at the top of its travel. I got mine from a breaker for a few quid.

You will need to get the door card and plastic sheet off, wind the window nearly all the way down, and then look for two "hairpin" clips on the ends of the arms where they slide in the plastic blocks at the bottom of the window. Then pop the ball joint apart with a big flat-blade screwdriver and the window is free to move. Push it right up and wedge or tape it in place. Drill out the four pop rivets (three on the main bit, one on the arm that goes across to the lock side), and wiggle the mechanism out. You might need to wind it up or down a bit to get it into the right "shape" to come out, so unplug the cable last.

Then, "refitting is the reverse of removal", as they say!

Posts: 280

Thanks for the help, most useful.

Posts: 671

Very good explanation of how to fit a new regulator.

The only thing that is tricky to remove on my P38 is the inside damp membrane. It isn't plastic, it's the original sort of foam type material, held in with black sealant. It is pretty messy to move, and it can tear very easily. I have had to go inside the drivers side door a few times, to fit a new cable to the inner door release, and to fit a complete new door handle, and a couple of other things.

I am on quite good terms with the inside of my drivers door !!!


Posts: 280

New regulator fitted today.

Bit of a faff as it is a pattern part but works fine.............watch this space!

Cheers guys.