The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 32

I've just replaced the NGK spark plugs,
I usually gap them at 0.035 thou the lower end of the setting, this time however I set them at 0.040 thou just to see if it made any difference and because I do have issues at mot time with emissions. Usually passes but has to have two goes and be hot.
We had to do a 70 mile round trip to pick up some furniture on mostly dual carriage way, reset dash before leaving, speed limit on the way there and 60-65 on the way back. The engine seemed smoother.
Lie-o-meter on the dash shows 22.7mpg !
Now I know to take that with a pinch of salt as it needs a brim to brim to be accurate but I've never seen it that high on the dash before.
So I'm just wondering what others gap theirs at and whether anyone else has seen such a difference in changing the gap size.

Posts: 8165

Which NGK plugs are you using? GEMS takes BPR6ES and they are gapped as standard at around 30 thou anyway.

Posts: 32

yes I've fitted BPR6ES - 7822 plugs.
My hand book states 35-40 thou plug gap for the 97 which seems quite a large variable ?

Posts: 103

I can't say I've had any problems with stock BPR6ES. Apparently they're meant to be gapped to 0.9mm which is probably about 35 thou, I don't really get all this inches stuff ;-)