The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 280

I checked that on the nanocom. It stated the throttle was 96% open. I’m sure 4% wouldn’t make any difference!

I sold the 400 BHP TVR last year. Yes the engine would’ve been the sort of thing these cars needed.
Toying with the idea of changing the camshaft and lifters at the end of the summer. Is it worth putting something in non-standard? For instance one of the Real Steel profiles? If so will it self map? Is it worth it for the few extra BHP that you probably won’t notice? Although if the camshaft is worn then it is probably only producing 150/160 BHP quite possibly.

On the other hand I could be completely wrong and this can be normal…………..

I am guessing without doing any investigating that everything at the front of the engine i.e. radiator and Aircon radiator will need to be removed to replace the camshaft?

Posts: 805

The "speed limit" setting doesn't affect the vehicle speed, just the maximum you can set the speed limiter button to.

Posts: 1371

If the camshaft is worn then the engine won't make as much power when you put your foot down... with a worn cam the lower power is due to the engine not breathing so well, i.e. not getting through as much air.

The MAF measures airflow, so maybe compare your peak MAF readings to those of other owners on forum and the results should give a lot of insight into whether your valve train and cam see as much airflow as others, i.e. whether or not your cam seems worn ;-)

Posts: 280

That sounds like a plan.

All I have to do is work out how to do that on the nanocom!

Any hints will be gratefully received.

Posts: 8165

On GEMS, it comes under Inputs, there's 3 options, fuelling air and others, I think it's under others but you should be able to find it. I'd check mine but a) it's a 4.0 litre and b) it's parked outside a hotel in the main square in a village in rural France so revving the goolies off it might not be appreciated by the locals (mate's son gets married this afternoon so we will be contributing to Boris's Covid test profits sometime on Monday).

Posts: 280

On various options it says locked.

I assume you have to get a lead, plug it into a PC, go onto the site and have this unlocked. Of course I could be wrong!

Posts: 1141

That would suggest you don't have the right unlock codes - or you haven't applied all of them.

You can apply them as long as the nano is powered up - I think you should be ok to do this using the connection to the p38.

Unlock05 is for Thor v8
Unlock06 for GEMS v8
Unlock07 for EDC
Unlock08 is for p38 systems

Check whats on yours at https://nanocom-diagnostics.com/restricted - click the nanocom id and see what modules you have on it, then check the matching modules show in the screen in the nanocom (I think its under utilities menu?)

Posts: 334

I've texted you a couple of access codes which should do the trick.

Posts: 280

Running out of time for today but have time tomorrow.

Will crack on with this.

I’m sure will hope this is useful for other people as well.

Thanks to everyone so far.

Posts: 379

As a thought running a thick oil can effect V8 mine runs like yours on 10/40 but definitely better on 5/30 I think it is to do with hydraulic lifters not filling ----- seems silly I know yet true

Posts: 1371

I've known engine power be effected by different grade oil effecting hydraulic lifters.

I believe generic code readers will show a figure for MAF readings on P38's, though I think whether the readings are meaningful/accurate or not depends on the year and engine ECU of the P38. I think I've seen some daft figures on some models using some code readers like 300g/s which would equate to enough air for around 375bhp. But some scan tools show maf voltage and the interpreted g/s reading.

A good test will probably have to involve actually driving it flat out rather than just revving it while parked up,, and don't even bother looking at the screen until you get to quite high rpm with foot to the floor. A good uphill stretch helps minimise road speed during such test.. It would probably be helpful if the scan tool plots a slow moving graph of MAF reading.

Posts: 334

Looking at the Nanocom site it looks like you will need NCOM15 to access the Motronic engine management system. £58.17!

I suspect mine is only set up for GEMS as you were getting no access to Motronic.

Someone else may have a set up that includes NCOM15.

Posts: 1371

It may be handy to have a fully featured Nanocom but I believe a lot of cheap generic code readers will show MAF readings on P38s? Or even possible to just connect a multimeter to it and compare voltage readings? For comparative purposes just the voltage should suffice... The OP doesn't necessarily want to see if he can calculate bhp from airflow readings, just see if his seems to be flowing as much intake air as others.

Posts: 334

That makes sense as a starting point.

Posts: 8165

My generic code reader will work with just about anything BUT, with GEMS it shows a MAF airflow reading but in the wrong units and with the decimal point in the wrong place. Fine as an indication that the flow is increasing with revs but doesn't give any meaningful figures. My Nanocom has licences for GEMS and Diesel so if connected to a Thor will only connect to the other subsystems not the engine.

Posts: 1141

DavidAll wrote:

Looking at the Nanocom site it looks like you will need NCOM15 to access the Motronic engine management system. £58.17!

I suspect mine is only set up for GEMS as you were getting no access to Motronic.

Someone else may have a set up that includes NCOM15.

It's unlock05 that's needed. 15 is disco 4. I think the code you get is tied to the unit its purchased for as well.

I've got p38 and Thor on mine, if that's any help (should be Thor on a 2001)? But don't know where you are?

Posts: 334

Unless I've missed something the site shows this for Motronic.

NANOCOM unlock code for Motronic V8
Code: NCOM15

Price: GBP 58.17 (incl. VAT)

Weight: 0 g


This unlock code adds the Motronic V8 petrol engine management to the Nanocom Evolution where not already included. It can be used on either a P38 or Discovery II model. Please note that while you can access the Motronic engine management on the P38 with the Blue OBD lead, you will require the Green OBD lead NCOM023 if you intend to also add the rest of the P38 systems if you only have a Blue OBD lead or indeed an LD024 CAN BUS lead

and this for 05

NANOCOM Evolution for GEMS P38 kit
Code: NCOM05

Price: GBP 446.32 (incl. VAT)

Weight: 674 g


This kit includes the main NANOCOM EVOLUTION unit, NCOM23 Green OBDII cable (~1.5 m long) and a USB update cable plus the unlock codes for coverage of the GEMS Petrol Engine (1994-99) P38. Click the More Info button for information on the unlock codes.

Posts: 1141

Ah I see what you mean. You'd think they would use the same numbers for the unlockxx code shown on the nanocom as the shop code, but it appears not! The one on the nanocom when you enter it (or look at it on their portal) is referred to as Unlock05 on the portal for Thor V8. Ncom05 looks to be Unlock08 for the p38 systems.

Posts: 1327

DavidAll wrote:

I've texted you a couple of access codes which should do the trick.

I’m pretty sure you can’t share codes,

Posts: 1327

My nano is unlocked to motronic and edc, it’s just sitting in the cupboard if anyone needs to borrow it,, just drop me a pm