The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 383

A question for the knowledgeable. I think I might be getting to the stage of needing a new sunroof cable. EYG 100200 is the part number.

Now the question. Are there two cables or one? Is EYG 100200 all I need, or do I need two of them? Or indeed if there are two cables, does EYG 100200 come as a pair.

Some guidance from those that have done the job please. Plenty of parts photos on the net, but no answers to this question.

Posts: 334

Can't help with the knowledgeable part but when I was meddling with mine there was only one cable. The whole business was very fiddly and getting it balanced side to side was a real palaver. With so many small bits involved in locating the cable and changing from slide to tilt I gave up in the end and put a secondhand cassette in.

Posts: 383

Thanks David. Does it loop around then? I note when looking at it with the motor out that there is a cable on either side of the drive gear. Does it drive both sides of the sunroof or only the one side?

Posts: 8158

I'm pretty sure there are two. One end of each connects to the mechanism on either side and they cross over each other at the motor with one going either side of the drive gear. That way, when the motor turns, it pushes both cables out or in depending on which way the motor turns. Whether you have to buy two or if the part number is for a cable set though I've no idea.

Posts: 334

Richard is of course right. Although the parts book only shows it as one item. They are out of stock at LR but Britcar are showing one but with just one cable so not sure what that means.

Some pics if that helps.

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Posts: 1

ugh.... when I had my P38, the sunroof had an issue and wouldn't close right. I normally do all my own repairs, but to this day, this is one repair that I was more than happy that I took it to the dealer and let them figure it out. LR ended up buying an entire scrap P38 to scavenge parts from (or so they told me). They fought the thing for a long week. I know, that's not helpful to your question, sorry, but it made me think of this one.