The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2312

So, I'm having the new P38 trailered down to me. It's likely to involve an overnight stop in a locked storage facility. Seller hasn't much of a grasp of tech stuff so can't ask him to do anything TOO demanding to prepare it!
If transported with EAS active it'll be constantly trying to self level and battery will probably be flat by time I get it. My thoughts to transport are:
Once on trailer, don't lock. Keep fob outside of car.
Lower to Access
Pull EAS timer relay
Secure to trailer via wheelstraps rather than tie down points
Worst that will happen is suspension depressurises if leaky bag or something and it rattles around on bump stops all the way

Posts: 1228

I think the EAS only wakes up every 6 hours (?) - once its out of air and on the bump stops it won't have any more adjusting it can do.

As you say, get them to put it in access mode to get it as low as possible to start with and get them to pull the timer if they're willing. It'll still be on a trailer with some kind of suspension (I presume?), so even on the bump stops it should be fine. Mine survived a drive across the A31 on the stops (after not so gracefully dropping to them at 70), uncomfortable as hell, but it didn't seem to care.

Posts: 647

As you say OB, leave it unlocked at access height and pull the timer relay, nothing will happen then. Even when you pull the negative terminal (in unlocked situation) there will be no prolem with BeCM when redo the terminal when you get home. When staying unattended overnight on the trailer, after removing the negative terminal lock the car manually with sillbuttons and key. Strap the car in accessheight by the strapeyes (and wheelstraps!) and you'll be fine. Pics please when you get home, the pics from the advert have been removed.

Posts: 8058

Drive it onto the trailer, strap it down on the wheels (as any professional transporter will anyway), leave it unlocked. No need to do anything else. If it lowers due to a leak it will try to self level but only every 6 hours as Nick says so if it starts off at normal height there's less chance of it hammering the bumpstops before it gets to you.

Posts: 2312

Thanks Richard.
Tony- the original pics are still there:
You just have to click on the "see original listing " link beside the title then scroll down the page that comes up. The original ad is displayed there in full.