The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 220

Both sensors now changed.

The offside sensor easily unscrewed and the connector pulled apart fairly easily, except it left part of the male connector insert inside the female connector (connector on the vehicle harness). This took a mere hour to extract as it was firmly lodged in so what could have taken 10 minutes took over an hour. Grrrr.

The near side sensor also easily unscrewed. The connector is, however, in a really inaccessible location high up on the side of the gearbox with the pipes in the way (which is why I couldn’t initially see it on my quick inspection). This was compounded by the connector absolutely refusing to come of its locating lug and disconnecting it was impossible in situ. Again, an hour coaxing and cajoling the connector and it finally yielded its position - it’s locating lug was rather bent which was why it was jammed on it. At least the connector halves came apart without incident and installation of the replacement went smoothly. Another, what could have been a,10 minute job again took over an hour. Grrr again.

Nearly two and half hours to do what should have been a twenty minute job - don’t you just love theses vehicles!

The good news is that all the vehicle wiring looked OK and NanoCom tells me all is now well.

BTW Richard, a ring spanner will not fit over the sensor connector on the Thor version, happily the open ended spanner readily shifted both.

Posts: 676

Heating both items still makes it easier to remove.

Posts: 220

And plenty of anti-seize on the threads of the new sensors (they came with plenty already applied) and not overtightening the crush washer will make them easy to remove next time . . . hopefully . . . if there is a next time . . . who am I kidding, of course there will be a next time - this is a P38!