The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 245

Hello all,

Driving a few eeks ago I hit one my lovely local potholes. Bang! B*ks! On goes the SRS light and the DIS AIRBAG FAULT.

Nanocom Code 008, The drivers airbag measures open circuit, (Permanent).

It wasn't the SRS 2 bulbs behind the dash - they were ok. So on others experience I removed the lower panel under the steering wheel, removed the dash clocks, removed the steering wheel plastic trim (on the column) and then with ignition off and head below the airbag ;) proceeded to unclip all the yellow connectors and spray them with electrical contact cleaner.
Re-assembled and voila! No more AIRBAG FAULT, I also cleared faults logged with the Nanocom

Posts: 8132

Usual one for drivers airbag fault is the connector underneath the steering column, so dropping the knee panel is all you need to do to get to it.