The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 7

Hi folks,

My near side front window has stopped working. It’s not the switch pack, as I’ve changed it for a known good one and have the same result.
Interestingly when I press the button to the down position it brings up the “window not set” message (last job I did before the failure involved removing the battery)

What other points in the circuit would you advise I check? I’m trying to concoct a structure to chase the fault but not sure where to start.

Posts: 8165

Switchpack talks to the BeCM which in turn talks to the door outstation which supplies power to the window motor. Your best bet is going to be to follow the diagram in the ETM. Does everything else on the same door work, locks and mirrors?

Posts: 672

I had a similar case in a rear window, motor would work when powered, lock/lamp etc. would work.
It proved to be a bad contact in the BeCM.

Posts: 7

Hi folks, thank you for the replies.

Locks and mirrors work just fine on the affected door. I’m not the greatest at electrical faults so if I can understand the circuit path am essentially looking for a break somewhere?

The fault happened very suddenly but it was intermittent for 3-4 mins before dying completely. Thankfully I’d managed to get the window closed before it did.

Could I pull the door card off and apply 12v to the motor to rule the simple things out?

Posts: 8165

Yes, you can. There's two wires, power one way round makes it go up, reverse them and it goes down. The reason I asked about the locks and mirrors is that the BeCM sends a data signal to the door outstation and tells it to send power to wherever it is needed. if it was a problem with the outstation, then nothing would work on that door.

Posts: 7

That’s really helpful, I’m a little out of my depth with this one so if I can easily rule out things like the outstation then it’s a winner.

Does any of the wiring for the windows run via any of the usual water ingress spots?

Posts: 8165

No, it doesn't go through the multiway connectors that suffer from water ingress, so you can rule that out. If it has been intermittent, I would suspect the brushes in the motor itself.

Posts: 7

This is brilliant info, thank you for making it a little easier to plot out how I’m going to attack this 🙂