The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 280

I converted my P38 back to EAS about 3-4 years ago. I renewed all the seals on the pump and valve block as well.

All has been reasonably OK, the odd hiccup when it decides to take 2-3 minutes of driving before it raises the suspension to standard ride height.

Yesterday, it started low, I drove it carefully for about 15 mins and it remained low. returned home and swapped cars, damn!

When car occasionally settles low, it does evenly.

I plugged the Nanocom in to check. Came up with invalid fault plus front L/H & R/H height sensors are out of range. Reset and used the car today, no problems apart from a 5 minute stop after about 20 miles when the car must of settled and on restart took about 1/2 mile to achieve normal level...

I know it is impossible to say but does that point to the sensors being faulty and need replacing?

Posts: 8165

Height sensor faults may be historic as normally an out of range height sensor error will bring up the EAS Fault message on the dash. It sounds like you are losing pressure from the reservoir so it takes a while to fill that before it rises. Check the readings from the height sensors at each height and see if they look right.

Posts: 681

What’s your temperature? Mine doesn’t leak down at all until the temperature gets near or below freezing. By -10C it starts to sag in a couple of hours. I’m fairly sure it’s the springs themselves as it started doing this after I got rid of my Arnott Gen 3’s and replaced them with new Dunlops (though I replaced them in November 2 or 3 years ago, but the previous winter it didn’t do this). If it was just parked overnight it comes up again fairly quickly, but if it’s sat for a couple of days it takes a few minutes.

Posts: 8165

Good point. I noticed yesterday that the Ascot has dropped almost down to Access height after being left for a couple of weeks, when it would normally stay at Standard height for at least 6 weeks. It is down to -2 C at the moment though......

Posts: 681

Last summer I wasn’t driving the P38 and it wouldn’t start visibly lowering for 3 weeks.

Posts: 280

Thanks for replying.

It’s been pretty cold at the moment in Surrey, -4 atm.

Where about will the system be leaking from?

I will check the heights with the Nanocom tomorrow.

Are you saying that the ride height sensors may be okay and that the faults logged may be spurious?

Posts: 8165

Not necessarily spurious but they could be historic. Unless they have been cleared in the past after an event, they will stay logged. When checking the heights, watch the readings as the car is moving from one height to another, they should move smoothly with no sudden jumps.

Posts: 280

Okay, will brave the cold later!

Posts: 280

Had to go out earlier.

After a -4 night, car was slightly down and took 6 seconds to achieve ride height.

Parked in town for half an hour, came back to the car and car hadn't dropped at all.

Will run a check later, (probably) but inclined to leave for a bit....

Posts: 8165

Sounds like it could be an iffy height sensor then. Sometimes it works, other times it sits on a dead spot on the track and gives an out of range reading. As you say though, it isn't the sort of weather to be outside checking stuff for the sake of it.

Posts: 280

A couple of days have passed. I haven't used the car, weather has been very cold and it is still up!

No logic there, (must be feminine...).

Posts: 681

Not as cold here, hovering around freezing and mine hasn’t been sagging either.

Posts: 280

It is being cheeky now. Still haven’t used it as have been recovering from Covid and the suspension is still right up! Definitely feminine…..