The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 275

hi folks my 320 4.2 V8 supercharger has chewed a right rear abs sensor
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
the picture with the blue arrow is pointing to the part that is causing the groove as I spin the rear hub it rotating as well so it cut the groove in the sensor
I'm wondering would anyone be able to shed any light on the subject

Posts: 1141

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

If you right click your uploaded images then choose open image in new tab, you will get the links that work (same photos as posted above).

Posts: 275

thanks I was using my phone to upload from imgbb.com

Posts: 1141

No problem, To have got them that far must have been far from simple! Hopefully someone can give you an answer, if its like the earlier models I wouldn't expect that bit to be moving if it contacted the sensor, but really need someone who has been more hands on with it to say for sure.

Posts: 275

it like the hub flange is not in the right place or the hub has been done up to tight

Posts: 8165

Looking at the pictures in the parts listing, I can't see what that bit could be. Is it towards the outside (wheel side) or inside (diff side)? The reluctor notches don't appear to be central in the hole so something isn't quite right.

Posts: 275

Gilbertd wrote:

Looking at the pictures in the parts listing, I can't see what that bit could be. Is it towards the outside (wheel side) or inside (diff side)? The reluctor notches don't appear to be central in the hole so something isn't quite right.

it the rear of the hub so closer to the diff side
Once get break in the weather I'm going to take passengers rear off and see what the difference is

Posts: 8165

The only thing shown on the picture on the parts list on that side is the clamp for the CV joint boot. It looks to be too close to the reluctor notches so maybe it has had an new boot fitted at some time and it has been pushed on too far?

Posts: 275

just a update people
After a couple of phone calls to @Gilbertd I found out it was the dust cover on the half shaft had been put on back to front when some previous work had been done on the hub of the range rover