The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 54

I was giving the airbag connectors a spray of contact cleaner today under my seats and wondered what the other 2x small white connectors are for.

I don't have electric seats (well potentially the drivers side has something that doesn't quite work as there is a button missing and a motor underneath, also no manual hand pump for adjusting it). They are definitely not memory seats though.

In total I have 3 connectors all hanging around the back (they aren't clipped up, as clearly someone has changed the seats and just left the wiring all loose). The yellow one is clearly the airbag connector, but what the 2x 2pin white connectors? The wiring for the white ones are coming out the back of the seats.

I had a quick look in rave but can't figure out where these smaller connectors are.

Posts: 54

Actually... I've just answered my own question. So apparently I have heated seats that I didn't know about.

I don't have the correct HEVAC with seat buttons. Not sure if it was like that from new, the seats have been changed or if the HEVAC panel has been changed.

Weirdly when I bought it, the ad mentioned heated leather, but I completely forgot about it when I went to look at it and it was only a couple of weeks after I'd bought it I remembered this being in the advert.
Makes me suspect the HEVAC panel was swapped just before the sale.

I tested with the BECM output on the Nanocom and I can hear the relay click, but no heat. Testing with a multimeter, the connectors have 12V, but there is no continuity on the larger connector of both the left and right seat. The smaller connectors both have continuity, so looks like some of the elements are damaged.

Time to buy a HEVAC panel with the buttons and some new elements!

Posts: 8165

Elements can be repaired, it's almost always the one in the base that breaks as people will insist on sitting on it. Repair isn't difficult but very fiddly, see https://web.archive.org/web/20180513085246/http://www.rangerovers.net/repairdetails/seats/seatheat4.html

Posts: 54

Great, thanks Richard!

Looks like one to add to the list and probably change the thermostats too, so they get a bit warmer.

Looks like a few HEVAC tasks soon, as I need to sort my blend motors out too, as they've just started causing some trouble!