The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 681

On a recent trip my overspeed warning kept beeping every time I hit about 115kmh (highway speed limit 120). I never have it turned on. I kept trying to turn it off with the button on the stalk. It would say “off” and silence while I held the button, but as soon as I released it, it would continue beeping. The selected speed on my panel read 120 and I couldn’t select a higher speed. I know that I used to be able to select it up to 140kmh. I turned the vehicle off for several minutes, but it was the same. I plugged Nano in hoping to be able to disable the function, but all I got was the ability to select 100 or 120. (It was set to 120 and I certainly didn’t want the beep at a lower speed, so I left it). My Son-in-law did some Google searches and found one that said to select it to 100, so I tried that and the warning went away. That was a few weeks ago and the issue hasn’t returned. Have any of you heard of this?

Posts: 383

It is not straight forward. You need to grab your Nano and set it to 100 in the BeCM. You can then turn it off on the column controls from memory.

Posts: 220

Over speed warning. Rarely am I given to RTFM but I did . . . and there it is, a spectacularly useless option I never knew I needed or even existed . . . and I’ve had this P38 for nearly 19 years! Now I’m tempted to see if mine works, but not if the annoying thing can’t be switched off!

Posts: 681

Marshall, now that I have it set to 100, I’ll try using the column stalk.
Garvin I agree it’s a very useless feature.

Posts: 247

Got mine set to 30mph mainly for the wife as we are riddled with fixed speed cameras round here and she isn't as observant as me.

Posts: 681

When I played with it today, it worked as it’s supposed to work.

Posts: 8165

Mine is set for 55mph so goes off at 52, ideal for the never ending 50mph average speed camera zones as I don't have cruise control.

It did cause me a panic a few years ago. On our first drive to Latvia, halfway through Poland, Dina took over the driving so I could get some sleep. Within 10 minutes of dozing off, I was abruptly woken by the dreaded beep, beep, beep but by the time I looked there was no warning on the dash for a message of impending doom, so told Dina to pull in at a layby. Knowing that the cause of the beeps would be displayed when the engine was switched off, she switched it off but there was no message. Restarted the engine, no warning lights or fault messages and everything seemed fine so set off again only for the beeps to start again. This time I saw the warning saying Speed Limit. As I had never used it, it was set for the default 20mph and she had accidentally switched it on when she had been trying to wash the screen.....