The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 201

Hi, as many of You might know, that the fuseboxes are no longer available new. As there're several variants, has anyone done a comparison, maybe just the pins in the pugs have to be rearranged? Upper Layout versus connector side layout?

As far as I know, the late Diesel Fuse boxes are still in stock?

I guess it means a side by side comparison of the several editions of the Electrical trouble shooting manuals? How many editions are around? I have four or six on my mind?

Posts: 8144

There's 3 different ones for the V8 and 2 for the diesel. V8 are 94-97, 98 and 99 onwards while diesel are 94-98 and 99 on. According to Island 4x4 they have:
V8 94-97 in stock at £599.99
V8 99 onwards in stock at £999.99
Diesel 94-98 in stock at £599.99
Diesel 99 onwards in stock at £194.99

So for anyone with a late diesel, best buy one now and put it on the shelf until it will be needed. But everyone else will need deep pockets unless you happen to be, like me, with a 98 V8, there's a problem. I've got an iffy one I replaced 3 or 4 years ago, when they were only just over £100, that I think will be being pulled apart and refurbished and kept for the just in case moment.

It would be worth finding out what the differences are but ideally that needs someone with multiple ones to compare. Underbonnet wiring loom is different between a 97 and a 98 so there must be differences.....

Posts: 383

I managed to find a new one for my MY98 a couple of years back. I grabbed it. Needless to say it is still sitting in its box on the shelf!

A word of warning. I managed to find a "good S/H one" with the "correct" part number off a US site. It wasn't a bad price, so I bought it on spec. When it arrived it was in OK shape, but the part number was incorrect as evidenced by the tag on it. I go hold of them and said .... you said .... right part number ... wrong part number supplied ... attached photo of part number sticker etc. etc.

No worries, we have the right one in stock, we will re-send. New one arrives ... complete, but the part number sticker has been removed, recently as the area where it should be was nice and shiny, and a little scratched from the razor blade.