The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 819

Last month i got the car converted over to the newer Wabco D ABS system after the original modulator failed.

Drove the car at the weekend and it seems to have developed a fault in the new system. ABS and TC lights were on and the dash reported ABS Fault message.

Reading the fault codes i get a message saying "Front Right sensor short to Another sensor" which seems very obscure.

Some googlefu suggests this might be related to a faulty ECU, im also wondering if its maybe moisture/damp related? The car does seem to have a small leak into the passenger footwell, so perhaps the ECU has got wet?

Anyone seen this fault before?

Posts: 819

Maybe its just a bad sensor? I guess that would be the simplest first step and i'm just overthinking it!

Posts: 8165

According to Marty, it's a fault with the ECU, see http://p38webshop.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=77

Posts: 781

The newer black Wabco ecu's do fail, more so than the older silver ones, I think.

Posts: 129

I would try the sensor first. I've had the same faults a few times. The first time it happened I also went down the theory of it being the ECU as all sensors measured similar resistance. It turned out to not be the case but at least I have a spare for the future now.

Try removing the sensor from the hub (let it hang without touching the chassis/anything metal) and see if the fault is still there. All of mine that have failed had the same fault but didn't indicate a fault when not touching the chassis. I'm guessing the sensor shorted to the case which gets detected through another sensor.

Posts: 8165

Bear in mind that sometimes the Nanocom gets its left and right muddled up. I'd unplug the nominated sensor to ensure it detects an open circuit fault on that one.

Posts: 129

Good point. Fron what I recall, the faults are sided correctly it's the live data/inputs that are wrong.

Posts: 819

i reset the codes as i was planning to swap over the sensor and the light went off and stayed off... I've got a new sensor here now so if it comes back i'll try swapping it out.

Feels like its been broken more than working recently and not getting any better 😒

Posts: 819

Still not super clear what's going on with this.

Reset the codes the other week and the light went off. Did a few short runs all fine.

Yesterday I went to the dump, no bother, then when I got back in the car to goto b&q an hour later, abs and TC lights are back on. Tried to reset but I was in a rush and nanocom was being dumb. Reset codes when I got home and again they cleared.

Battery is not in the best of health, so it was full array of error codes after I started it the first time (airbag, gearbox fault etc) and yet the abs was fine. But then the second time there were no battery related errors and that's when the abs flaked out 🤷

I'll need to stick the battery on charge and see what it does.

Posts: 1310

I've replied to your PM, sorry - I haven't been on here in ages!

I don't think it's likely to be the ECU in this case unless it's a 'Rear Left Sensor Short to Another Sensor' fault. I've not seen any other corner input circuitry fail on the ECUs - though when I repair the ECU's I replace the components for all 4 corners to be sure.

I would say a sensor/connection/wiring issue first.

As mentioned, and as I put in the PM - the 'live values' are labelled wrong on the nanocom. Fault messages are the correct corner, live values don't correspond to the actual corner.

A list of them below for anyone else who looks at live WABCO D values:
Front/Right (Live Value box) = Front Right (vehicle sensor)
Rear/Right (Live Value box) = Front Left (vehicle sensor)
Rear/Left (Live Value box) = Rear Right (vehicle sensor)
Front/Left (Live Value box) = Rear Left (vehicle sensor)

Hope this helps,


Posts: 681

I’ve heard about this issue, but it’s so helpful to see it written out like this. Thanks a lot Marty.