The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 47


I've managed to lose key2 from my p38 4.6 thor.

I have a key2 from a p38 4.6 gems, can a nanocom change codes to allow me to use the key2 from my other car?

The working key1 that I have (thor) often reads "engine disabled" until I press a key button. Has new batteries- any other issue I should look at?

Hi Gilbert, sorry I haven't answered on the other forum, I've managed to lock myself out again. Not ignoring you. I will get a internet pc up and running soon, seems that Android doesn't quite cut it over there


Posts: 8162

No, you cannot reprogram a key from one car to another, not with Nanocom or even the LR specific Testbook. They are programmed to the car's VIN when produced and that can't be changed.

If Passive Immobilisation is enabled in the BeCM, then the immobiliser will kick in if you don't start the car within 30 seconds of unlocking it. There should be a coil around the ignition switch that causes the fob to send the unlock code to the receiver when you put the key in the ignition. However, if you unlock the car, put the key in the ignition (which sends the code) and then don't start the car within 30 seconds, the immobiliser kicks in again resulting in the "Engine Immobilised, Press Remote or Enter Code" message. Simple answer is to go into the BeCM settings with Nanocom and change Immobiliser from Enabled to Disabled. This is the one that many think turns off the immobiliser completely but it doesn't, it just turns off passive immobilisation.

The other one I always change in the BeCM settings, is one marked wiper speed (or wiper delay) and enable that. With that enabled if the wipers are on continuous, they drop down to intermittent when you stop at a set of traffic lights and restart as soon as you hit 2mph.

Posts: 47

Many thanks Gilbrertd.

Time to order a new key from the main dealer.

I did NOT know about the wipers, will do that.

The nanocom I have is for the wrong model but I can't reregister/update it until they return from. Christmas break (8th Jan).

Posts: 8162

A Nanocom with only GEMS licence will still work on a Thor except it won't have the Wabco D menu for the later ABS and won't connect to the engine. All the other systems, including the BeCM, will still work.

Posts: 47

The nanocom I have comes from a (rotted out) d2 td5

( I think) that means I need;
P38 thor bosch software (engine)
P38 systems software (all models, everything except engine)
Green obd cable.

I'm then expecting the nanocom to do all p38 excluding engines for diesel and gems.

Will it be able to disable the lost key2?

Sadly, key was lost very near to the cars usual resting place. An aftermarket steering lock is currently protecting against casual/opportunist thieves 😀

Posts: 8162

Yes, you will need the green cable and the two software modules if it was previously loaded with the D2 configuration. You won't be able to disable the lost key but you will be able to unsync it. If you disconnect the car battery for a few seconds, you will need to reset the windows and resync your remaining key. That means the lost one will no longer be synced so the remote won't work and even if someone uses it to unlock the car with the key blade, it won't turn the immobiliser off (assuming you locked it with the remaining remote).

Posts: 47

Many thanks.
I will desync the key once I have 2 working keys.

I plan to order one genuine key and one surf key.

Posts: 384

Kbs wrote:


I've managed to lose key2 from my p38 4.6 thor.

I have a key2 from a p38 4.6 gems, can a nanocom change codes to allow me to use the key2 from my other car?

The working key1 that I have (thor) often reads "engine disabled" until I press a key button. Has new batteries- any other issue I should look at?

Hi Gilbert, sorry I haven't answered on the other forum, I've managed to lock myself out again. Not ignoring you. I will get a internet pc up and running soon, seems that Android doesn't quite cut it over there


You can use a key from another P-38 under certain conditions. The Nano can reprogram the Becm to use a different key. I have done it.
First, the Becm must be unlocked. This alone is a deal breaker for some folks.
Second, you must know the fob's lockset code. There are folks here that are equipped to read this code
if they have the fobs in hand.
If you have a locked Becm like most, it would probably be easier and less expensive to have Les in Wales make
you a new Key 2.
Of course, if you are in the UK, the Stealership will be happy to extract a pound of flesh in exchange for a new fob!
Here in NAS land, we do not have that option.

Posts: 8162

To add that not only does the BeCM need to be unlocked, you can't add another key from a different car. As soon as you change the BeCm so the new key will work, the original one won't as you can only have one lockset barcode stored. The code for every car is different.

Posts: 384

To add to that addition.......
If you have no key fob, and get one (or a pair of them from the same vehicle), you can have their codes
read and enter this into the (unlocked) Becm......

Posts: 679

I thought the BeCM could have 4 fobs assigned? I know you guys are way more up on this than I am.
Also, how do you go about getting your BeCM unlocked?

Posts: 8162

The fobs for each car have a lockset barcode and within that code there can be up to 4 subsets. So the 4 keys will all have the same master lockset barcode with a difference showing which of the 4 keys it is within that code. So a key from a different car will have a totally different barcode so they can't be mixed. Getting a BeCM unlocked can only be done with specialist equipment but it can cause problems with connection to diagnostics and, as it is unlocked, means you can change things that shouldn't be changed (if you don't know what you are changing) and end up turning it into a brick.

Posts: 384

Beg to differ with honorable Gilbert San........
I have had 4 P-38s that were (are) daily drivers and on all of them, I had the Becm's unlocked.
I have never had any issues with either an Nano or Faultmate MSV-2 connecting with any system.
Marty has confirmed that this is not an issue as he has not had any issues either......
He said that he had "heard of it" but never had any first hand reports of issues caused by it being unlocked
I have also failed completely to brick an Becm, but that is actually a real worry if you are not paying attention.....
In any event, it is necessary if you wish to use keys from other P-38s. Again, if you can get the fobs codes read
by someone with the proper scanner.
There are a couple of guys out there with the specialist tools to unlock them. In the UK, NZ, Oz and USA.
As for reading Fobs, only one or 2 that I am aware of, and those have gone a bit quiet lately......

Posts: 679

Thanks for the answers to you both.

Posts: 781

It needs a Faultmate with the correct module (SM035) to unlock a Becm.
It is then quite happy to run unlocked but it is the Hevac unit that is sometimes difficult to access. Sometimes it may require a couple of ignition recycles to connect. Not usually a major problem. Mine is unlocked and I can access it no problem.
You can't actualy brick a Becm. You could, I suppose, enter all wrong settings so it (temporarily) won't work but with a Faultmate you can soon change them back. It is not like a firmware update on electronic equipment that can permenantly brick a device.

Posts: 679

Interesting. I won’t be buying a Faultmate in the near future, but something to keep in mind to keep these aging vehicles going for years to come.

Posts: 8162

On both my cars and a number of others I've put the Nanocom on, the HEVAC can be a bit finicky to access anyway. It will almost always not connect on the first try and needs at least a second go before it connects. Maybe that is where the rumours of problems on an unlocked BeCM came from? Someone had what seems (to me at least) a common problem and assumed it was because a BeCM was unlocked. It only takes one person to post something online and it becomes gospel.

Posts: 679

I’ve definitely had that experience as well. It’s good to know that it’s not just me, or not just my P38.

Posts: 384

I have had a few failed attempts to access the HVAC on all of mine as well as a few
locked ones I have helped people with over the years.
I have noticed that if I go to "Faults" first, it will nearly always fail to communicate, but if I go to "Inputs" first, it is fine.

Posts: 129

Same problem for me on both P38 with locked BECM. It takes Nanocom two attempts to connect !!

The same comment about unlocked BECM is in their documents !!