I've read RAVE, I've looked at the confusing high speed/low speed fuse box relay circuit and still have no idea why my low speed fans don't run. If I jump 13/14/18 relays both fans run, if I use Nanocom (GEMs ECU Output Function) to run low speed AC fans they both run. On a 40degC days here stuck in traffic my high speed fans run but never the low speed. My AC works well but even with a new fan viscous coupling the performance drops at idle. As far as I can tell there needs to be an HVAC low speed fan request, a GEMs fan request (for 12V and Ground) and the the two way/low speed AC pressure sensor needs to be closed. Suspecting the HVAC controller output but does anyone know when the HVAC is supposed to request low speed fans so I can check the output? Thanks - going crazy on this one.