The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2312

Could be- I'll save that for my next plug change!
Did you see my mail re doorlocks, by the way?

Martyuk wrote:

The BPR6ES fit on my heads...

However the old set from my old engine/heads were the smaller socket on them... they were BCPR6ES - I'm guessing the same thing but with the smaller socket head..

Posts: 2312

Brake bleeding- what a bleeding pleasure that is!
Took 5.5 litres of DOT4 to completely flush the system. The rear calipers were the worst. Interesting that as part of the MOT the week before I bought it, the rear cross pipes were replaced. My guess is that whoever did the job just bled the brakes in the old fashioned way, by opening nipple and pressing pedal.
That alone would account for my apalling brakes. The fact that I bled out 1/3 litre of what appeared to be milk from the rear was also a bit of a worry.
Anyway, all fluid now clean and bright, new pads fitted, new accumulator fitted, all sliders free, pistons easily pushed back with no seal damage or rust so I'm now confident that even if I can't get the car to go, I can get it to stop!
Now for a crawl about with a grease gun before I put wheels back on and surrender to the icy temperatures.
EDIT- definitely quitting time, Was wondering how my NSF tyre had such low tread, lost its centre cap and i hadn't noticed, When I dropped car to floor it was also flat! Spent a few minutes wondering where LR gremlin was hiding before realising I'd refitted the spare tyre :(

Posts: 2312

Thank you BlackBox for the Nano Evo!
Without it, replacing the rear wiper motor and getting the arm back on in the correct orientation to park would have involved much sprinting backwards and forwards to try to catch the tailgate at the right time to stop the bloody motor in the right place.
Lovely to do it from the comfort of the drivers seat!
Still have to work out why it runs happily from the output of the nano and shows that switch is operating and parking correctly from the input of the Nano though, but doesn't work from the switch itself??!
Edit- it does now work from the switch- needed to park itself correctly!
Tomorrow, the drivers door latch swap- waiting for the STC3064 handle repair kit to arrive on Tuesday before I can do the handle swap. If time, might just swap to the "correct" ignition switch assy which I've just cleaned and serviced (so that'll probably never work again!)

Posts: 2312

Decided to finish the washer wiper job yesterday, by replacing both headlight wiper motors (and installing LED bulbs and replacing cracked OS headlight unit) and getting the rear and headlight washers working. Another simple 10 minute job- not!
2 pumps U/S and only had 1 spare so thought I'd get rear washer working to go with new wiper motor. No chance- even with new pump, no fluid from rear jet so now have to find my packet of spare non-return valves and fiddle around behind trim panel to replace.
Moved to "easy access" (non battery side) headlight and, of course one of the encapsulated studs was rusted and stopped being encapsulated and just revolved. Eventually got a Dremel to it and cut it off, then a session with Araldite to encapsulate a new bolt.
3 hour wait to cure so popped out OS foglight to get to washer pumps. Same problem- rusted screws at top of light so another fun time getting those out.
Cold and fed up after 6 hours of pointlessness, tested pumps then gave up for the day.
This quick fix is taking forever. Still, new coil packs arrive today so can get back to electronics- except of course, my mates Ranger is moving in to workshop today for a clutch change so have to collect up all my scattered tools and replace them in the cabinets so that I can keep track of them. They have a habit of "walking" if I don't keep them in their allocated clips etc.

Posts: 1327

My rear washer gave up a year ago, I've never had enough enthusiasm to sort out which nrv is buggered,, on the to do list

Posts: 1228

I just removed all the valves on my rear washer. Just need to hold the button for longer, better than nothing.

Posts: 2312

Chris and Sloth- when I find my bag of valves I'll drop you a couple in the post. I vaguely remembering ordering 2 and receiving 20 for the same price.

Posts: 8165

Valves? Plural? Where's the other one then? I replaced the one that lurks under the shelf support and the rear washer worked for a day then stopped again, I assumed that bits of the innards of the old one had clogged the nozzle. Now I'm told there's another one hiding somewhere......

Posts: 331

Mine has never worked since the day Gilbert changed my blade lolol but I'm not complaining as I rarely used it. Who wants to look out the back window??

Posts: 1228

Ooooh :)

The other one is hiding below the headlining just before the pipe disappears into the flexible section to the tailgate. it is also a bit of a pig to get at.

Posts: 2312

It was a premature promise anyway. Searched all the usual places and can't find the Jiffy bag with them in. No doubt they'll turn up when I don't need them...

Posts: 647

Promises promises...
What is that Araldite stuff you talk about? I also have a headlamp that I'm going to treat with a dremel because the adjusting mechanism is stuck.

Posts: 8165

Araldite is a brand, common in the UK but obviously not in Holland. It's a two part epoxy resin, resin and hardener come in two tubes, mix an equal amount of each together and it sticks most things. It's also useful for building up missing bits if something has broken off.


Posts: 2312

JB Weld may be more accessible in Holland- same sort of stuff as Araldite. I only used Araldite 'cos I happened to have the "rapid" stuff lying around which only takes 3 hours to fully cure. The JB Weld that I have is the full-fat stuff that takes 24 hours.

Gilbertd wrote:

Araldite is a brand, common in the UK but obviously not in Holland. It's a two part epoxy resin, resin and hardener come in two tubes, mix an equal amount of each together and it sticks most things. It's also useful for building up missing bits if something has broken off.


Posts: 2312

An exciting (!) washer update...
Rear washer wasn't working because some PO had cut/ broken the pipe from the pump. Hidden it away behind the headlight and put a self-tap screw into broken off pump outlet. Didn't unplug pump though so that eventually burned itself out. Took a big chance on destroying piping run somewhere in car (and that it was indeed the rear washer pipe), took little ball out of nozzle end (fiddly) and shoved low (ish) pressure air through pipe which came out at far end in a spray of mud and muck. Put little ball back in after a cleaning session with pin (again v fiddly).
We'll see what happens today when I fit new pump as was heartily fed up with getting repeated doses of washer fluid into my armpit cos too lazy to drain tank!
Headlight washers, just a failed T non-return valve. Didn't have one locally so another £3.00 on a couple of spares that'll be here later in week.
Coil packs arrived- blimey they're huge. Only did them by feel when I put Magnacors on so didn't really get a sense of how big/ heavy they actually are. Anyway, today, if I finally finishing cleaning, washing, painting headlight units and trim and refitting, it's off with the upper plenum again and on with the coil packs. having done the plenum once, I can do it a lot faster this time :)

Posts: 647

So it's a two part resin, I know where to look for now. Thanks guys.

Posts: 2312

Celebrating a small success- the rear washer now works- new pump and a (gentle- round 10 PSI) air blow through the line with the jet ball removed cleaned and replaced. So now, I can wash and wipe the rear window, even if I can't actually go anywhere :)
Does mean I have a couple of one-way valves somewhere in the postal service that I don't need, so, if anyone needs one...

Posts: 647

Orangebean wrote:

Does mean I have a couple of one-way valves somewhere in the postal service that I don't need, so, if anyone needs one...

I think it's best to put them there where you stacked the other 20...

Posts: 2312

Good thinking Tony!
Unfortunately some slight collateral damage removing RH Headlight. Still, a bit of T Cut and I think it'll work again!

enter image description here

Still a bit more stuck in the car though

enter image description here

Posts: 1327

It needed some gentle persuasion then !