The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 112

Found the final coolant leak the other day - turned out to be the T-piece from the heater feed pipe to the evaporator - a TINY drip which was dripping down on the exhast manifold (hence the morning steam from the exhaust wrap as it heated up!). On removing the T-piece it was obvious one jubilee clip had been overtightened, and squashed the plastic a bit. Also to me the heater pipe seems to be a big bigger than the T-piece and so is overly squashed anyway. I wrapped the ends in PTFE tape and gently tightened again, and the leak has stopped for now.

I want to change the T-piece anyway now and have seen some alloy versions on eBay so I was wondering if a 20mm/16mm/20mm joiner would be the right size?

Thanks all you gurus!

Posts: 8158

It's better to plumb the reducer in series with the heater matrix than in parallel and using Tees. Very easy on a GEMS but a bit more difficult on a Thor. 20/16/20 will do the job nicely if you leave it in parallel.

Posts: 1310

I guess it depends on what 'T' piece they have used...

The hoses on the Thor ones at least are about 19mm ID - so a 20-16-20 should give a nice tight fit... Or LPGshop.co.uk have 19-16-19 versions aswell..

I replaced both of mine with metal years ago - feels a lot more sturdy now! Just need to add up the sizes of CT clamp I need now and to swap all of them!

Posts: 112

Thanks guys - it's a good old GEMS Rangie - assume the pipes are the same size? It heats up really well in parallel so will probably leave it like that.

Posts: 1310

AFAIK the pipes are the same size, yes - just different configuration from where they come off the engine and back into the return/bypass lines..

Posts: 112

Thanks - will grab a metal T-piece then - something else to do at the weekend!

Posts: 112

All done last weekend - I got the 19/16/19 one - pefect fit - no leak! Woohoo

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