The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 805

There's a machine shop just up the road from me that offered to do mine for 75 quid a side, which seems reasonable. Even if the signs at the end of his farm track during Indyref suggest he was on the wrong side.

I could do with asking about getting bigger holes drilled in an EAS valve block and a bit of milling and turning done, so I might stop by next week.

Posts: 302

Made a bit of progress today with help from Gordon. Got stuck on the head bolts though as they seem to be imperial, 5/8? Will need to get a hex socket for them.

One of the downpipes disconnected, but the other (predictably steering rack side) is being difficult.

Not exactly the cleanest innards I've ever cast my eyes over. And I liked how one of the rocker covers was barely attached. Surprised more oil didn't find its way out

Posts: 647

For headbolts I have a 16mm air-impact socket, not that I use the airgun but they are stronger and don't slip off the head that easy when not holding the torquewrench exact vertical on the head.

Posts: 1327

Drivers side exhaust, remove wheel and inner arch, you can get at the barsteward bolts, as for socket, I use a spark plug socket, be careful at the back r/h ones, do not round them,, use a long pole to get some leverage, there tight buggers, you sometimes feel like there going to snap, but they dont

Posts: 805

Getting the exhaust manifold off the head was the easy bit. I even worked out how to do it without dropping the steering column coupling...

Posts: 647

no10chris wrote:

as for socket, I use a spark plug socket, be careful at the back r/h ones, do not round them

Why not buy a 12mm 12 side multi-hex socket? Small investment that keeps the bolts as they have to be.

Posts: 302

Ferryman wrote:

For headbolts I have a 16mm air-impact socket, not that I use the airgun but they are stronger and don't slip off the head that easy when not holding the torquewrench exact vertical on the head.

Are you saying the head bolts are metric 16mm, not imperial?

Posts: 2312

Definitely 5/8 imperial, though a 16mm socket at only 0.1 mm larger is probably within manufacturing tolerances for your average socket manufacturer

Posts: 1310

No they are imperial - 7/16" UNC thread. The 16mm socket will fit on the head though, as it is pretty much the same size as a 5/8" Imperial socket which is for the head bolts.

Posts: 302

Right. I'll pick up a 16mm six sided impact socket then. I was using one, but it cracked on the second bolt I tried.

What was the 12mm comment about?

Posts: 805

What was the 12mm comment about?

Think that's referring to the exhaust manifold-to-head bolts, which are those funny rusty spliney looking ones like the one that dropped on you when you were attacking the downpipe bolts.

Posts: 302

Ah right ok, I presume my 12mm was sufficiently splined to do the business on those then? Didn't seem to take you long.

Posts: 302

Ah right ok, I presume my 12mm was sufficiently splined to do the business on those then? Didn't seem to take you long.

Posts: 805

Yes, they weren't even tight. Looks like someone has been in at it in an attempt to change the manifold gaskets, before discovering that wasn't the problem :-)

Posts: 302

No prizes for guessing who. I guess he didn't fancy an engine rebuild.

I was hoping to get out today for a new socket, but didn't get time. Mate came round just before lunch and had me working on his astra all day. Discs/pads at the rear, handbrake cable, front droplinks, oil change and fuel filter. Surprise surprise, the droplinks were the hard bit. Droplinks are always a PITA.

Posts: 647

It is always difficult for us when wrenching on UK origin cars (and US), as the right sockets are not widely available except in special shops (they sell only the expensive brands) so I try to find metric equivalents.
When they 'almost' match it is good enough for me, but for headbolts it is critical and I am lucky it only differs a 0.1 mm. Therefore I take the 6 sided impact socket that does not give in.
The exhaust manifold bolts is a perfect match with multihex 12 mm, best is to have a thin-wall socket (for exhausts 3 and 6), I start at front, when I reach exhaust 3 or 6 I bend the frontpart a bit to fit the socket.
Plus we have the advantage there is no steeringshaft in the way.

Posts: 805

Actually on Mace's one it was easy enough to get the last bolt out from under the steering column! I don't know why mine was so tricky.

Posts: 302

Mine is steeped in oil and the wheel arch liner is missing?

Posts: 1327

Wow, this socket size thread is mad !
12mm 12 sided on exhaust,
16mm or 5/8 6 sided for head bolts

Seems people are getting confused,,

Posts: 302

Not really confused, just going off on tangents.