The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 805

Not only is RRPub a new site but the forum software that runs it is under active development. It looks pretty good but it has a few oddities and outright bugs, and there are some little tweaks and things needed to make it all look right too.

If you find any new exciting faults or you've got some feature you just can't live without, post it here and I'll see what I can do :-)

Posts: 1307

It is looking good alright :)

One feature that would be good would be email notification on reply to a tracked topic... There have been a few times already where there's been a reply and I haven't checked back in for the rest of the day as I wasn't aware of there being another reply. It's one of the things I do like about the 'other' forum, is that it's easy for me to know if there's something worth going back to look at/read...

Other than that... keep up the good work :)

Posts: 1228

Not a feature as such, but would a breakers or for sale section be handy? I know numbers are still quite low but...

I have a car I'm now stripping and on other (non-P38) forums I've been a member of, we've had a section for such things. No sense posting on the 'other' forum, being (apparently) 'NAS' based....

Posts: 487

Another one for maybe when there's a few more members?

One forum I frequent is Retro Rides which is fairly strict in its criteria on vehicles but has this section http://retrorides.proboards.com/board/9/readers-modifications

In here we've got guys building motorcycle engined lawn tractors, one repairing vintage watches, another doing up a Massey Ferguson and one rebuilding a 50-odd foot Harbour launch, all sorts of fascinating stuff. Even my own Letter from Manila, which contains nothing of any use or merit whatsoever seems to be well received!

Posts: 781

Lots of promise so far.

I agree, a for sale section would be a welcome addition. With a nominal charge that would help pay for the website hosting.

Pictures have to be to links off site, right? Better to have them on hosted on site as the site grows, or maybe just important stickies to start with.

Minor point: When quoting someone it just comes up as larger type. The quote in a bubble would be better.

Posts: 1307

Still also hoping for email notification of replies to topics.

I am getting better and checking the site a couple of times a day, but when I get busy I sometimes forget and there are replies there. I'd rather come here and reply and help people than other places! hence why I try and make it a routine to stop past!

It's coming along nicely though!

Posts: 2312

It's probably just me but what about WYSIWYG when posting. Be nice to get some paragraphs etc straight out of the box. Perhaps also a landing page showing read/ unread as a list (like the "other place"). Or are they both here and I've just missed them?!

Posts: 805

Thanks for the suggestions, folks. Apart from checking that the backups get run periodically I have to admit to neglecting the maintenance around here a bit. One of the bugs fixed in upstream is that apparently it's now possible to edit user roles without clobbering their passwords so if I can prove that's working I'll make a few folk admins. And then you can make any sections you damn well please, within reason ;-)

Posts: 1307

Any and all work you put into it is much appreciated!!

I know what it's like when things get busy... Just ask my RR about the list of things I want to get don that I neglect on her, because I'm always too busy fixing parts for other people! Just when I thought I was getting to the end of the list, another request for a door latch and a window swtichpack came in yesterday... no rest for the wicked!


Posts: 1228

Not sure if you're aware - but my inbox is always showing '1' in blue, as if I have a new PM - but I've read it?

Or is that intended until I move it to trash?

Posts: 805

I have no idea how the indicator for the inbox is supposed to work. Mine shows 1 or no indicator depending on how it feels on any given day.

Posts: 8142

The other one that's a bit weird is when a thread has more than one page. It will show as only having one page until the second page gets 3 or 4 posts in it then it shows as having two so you can go straight to the most recent posts. Not a problem and probably just the way the software works but a couple of times I've looked at a thread that has new posts and thought I was suffering deja vu.

Posts: 805

I think there's something weird going on with the way the server caches pages - it doesn't seem to get the idea of cache invalidation. What I might do is turn the cacheing off and see if any weirdness goes away.

Posts: 118

I have a post here: https://rrpub.gjcp.net/topic/109-exhaust-work
When I view the post it only has my first post with the picture. The post has 8 responses including one I made but I can't see them.
Could someone take a look at it to see whats going on?
I does this on multiple pc's with multiple browsers and android phone with multiple browsers.

Posts: 647

As for the inbox, I've had 2 PM's and now I have read them the blue box is zero while I still can find them in my inbox so that's OK.

Posts: 647

Forgive me my ignorance but what is the difference between a black textballoon and a white textballoon in the left pane of the topiclist?

Posts: 118

Black text balloon shows a new response since you last viewed the post. White shows no new responses.

Posts: 647

Aha that clears it all, thanks Rayodunne