The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2440

Folks, this is getting more serious :(
This is a 2001 (Y reg) 4.6 Vogue which is parked up at the garage after the battery went flat while it was waiting for parts.. Today the owner charged the battery, hooked it up and left it so I had time for the 30 minutes timeout to elapse before I got there.
I can open the door with the key, the hazards come on (the alarm doesn't sound, maybe it's broken?) and when I try to start it I get
"Engine Disabled, press remote or enter keycode." on the dash

I can mess around with the other stuff and set the windows etc, but I can't start the engine or use the remote.

I've tried entering the EKA in the driver's door lock (all doors, tailgate, bonnet closed, door handles pushed in) but no joy. In fact, I entered it 4-5 times and nothing happened at all no lockout warning on the dash, no beeps, clicks or anything. The central locking doesn't work on the key or the remote.

I tried resynching the remote using the door lock method - (key in, press unlock, turn to unlock, turn to centre, release button, press lock, turn to lock, return to centre, release button) - no joy.
I also read somewhere that post 99 they should "easy sync" in the ignition - couldn't make that work although I wasn't sure of the procedure.

I've got nothing!
Can anyone suggest some diagnostics or next steps?

Posts: 1307

As you have a later model one, then if the garage has some LR specific diagnostics, or someone you know who's nearby does, then you can enter the EKA via the OBD port (Only supported on vehicles with a software version later than V36 - which an '01 should be V39 or 40). On a Nanocom, there is a section in the BECM where you can 'disarm' it by putting the EKA in and then it should unlock it and get it running again.

The fact that you can't enter the EKA via the drivers door latch suggests that either the CDL or the Key microswitches are faulty, or there's a wiring problem between the latch and the outstation (sometimes the wires can get caught by the window regulator if they have been un-done before and not clipped back in properly.

I would download a copy of my door latch tests file, and check the switches in the door latch. If this is faulty then you won't be able to enter the EKA.

Do the mirrors/window work on the drivers door? If so then it pinpoints it back down to the latch. If the mirror/window doesn't work either, then it moves the problem more towards the power/ground or serial link to the outstation.

You won't be able to resync the remote either in the drivers door, or in the ignition barrel if the vehicle is alarmed, It needs to be in a disarmed state (EKA needs to be put in basically) before it will let you try and sync a remote up.

My suggestions...
See if you can get it hooked up on Diagnostics, so you can try and enter the EKA that way. If you can, and it unlocks/disarms, then the key should sync up in the ignition again. Then test the drivers door latch microswitches.
If you can't get it to disarm on diagnostics, or don't have access to ones that will let you, then test the door latch microswitches first, and the wiring inside the door. This will then give you an idea of what's going on in there and why it isn't accepting the EKA

Hope this helps,

Posts: 2440

That really does help!
My mate (who is a massively experienced mechanic, but not a LR specialist) owns a L322 and is now scratching his head at my P38.
He has hooked up a Snap-On Ethos tool and is trying to enter the EKA but it won't let him. He's saying that it is showing Code 148 Interface Immobiliser with no option to clear.

The fact that the Drivers door lock doesn't fire the central locking makes your diagnosis of door lock microswitches look extremely likely. The window and Mirror on the driver's door work just fine.

I suspect I'm about to Next Day a Nanocom unless Bob can get his Snap On to do the business.
Thank you so much for your help!

Posts: 2440

Forgot to say, I'm going to get a copy of your door latch file now :)

Posts: 1307

I doubt a Snap On tool will talk to the BECM as it's pre-OBD specification and uses some proprietary Land Rover protocol.

Nanocom will be the best bet in the long-run as it should easily pay for itself!

Posts: 2440

Nanocom ordered. I knew I should have done it as soon as we got the Range Rover. It's pretty infuriating there's a perfectly good vehicle sitting there sulking! Ah well, live and learn. Hopefull we'll get the EKA into the BECM via nanocom and get the thing moving. Then we'll work out what exactly is wrong with the door latch before we get locked out next time with the Nanocom in the boot!

Thanks for your help Marty - you saved me a lot of time.

edit: I think I've ordered a nanocom. I opted for PayPal but it didn't ask me to log in. I think they're meant to call me or something, which seems very odd indeed. I'm certainly not giving them my Paypal details.

Posts: 118

If you are ordering from Blackbox Solutions they are pretty careful with payments from certain countries. It think they got scammed a couple of times!

Posts: 2440

SHE RUNS!!!!!!!!!

omg, that's a relief :)
She's a 2001 and the fob didn't sync when in the ignition but that's a minor worry for now. The garage can get on and fit the front hub, disks and pads and we'll get her back home for a thorough probing.

The Nanocom is an amazing piece of kit and has basically paid for itself in one hit. That moment when the EKA code went in and the locks all went up was priceless :)

The puzzling thing is that the central locking now works from the drivers door lock so I'm confused as to why the EKA didn't go in - but the central locking definitely wasn't working when the EKA lockout was active. Hey ho, enough for one day. She'll be back on the road in a couple of days, but I might wrap the whole damn thing in tin foil before I park it anywhere near civilisation!

Posts: 1307

Glad it's up and running again!

It is worth testing the door latch, as it is possible for the central locking to work and the EKA not to.... that could be the key switch being faulty (which is what the BECM uses to count the number of turns). The CDL switch tells it if it is locked/unlocked and is the trigger for it to lock/unlock the rest of the doors. If it gets triggered by turning the key in the door, but it doesn't detect that the key has been used (from a faulty key switch) then it will just think that the doors have been locked/unlocked from the sill button on the door card.

Or maybe it was just RF interference when the car was parked before, and that was interrupting/confusing the BECM whilst you were trying to enter the EKA in the door - but doesn't affect it when done diagnostically...

Glad you can get on with the other bits and pieces now though!


Posts: 2440

Thanks for the help and info Marty. Again. :) I reckon you must be responsible for a lot of P38s being saved from the scrappies.

There certainly was some RF at the garage, but their wifi was pretty handy.
Anyway, it's back home now and I'll be poking it with the nanocom pretty extensively. I will try not to ask too many dumb questions when I find lots of scary codes.

I'll give the fob another go this weekend, I'm expecting a fob refurb kit to turn up some time soon and it includes new batteries which might help.
But this thread is done. Until the next time!

Posts: 1307

Keep in touch!

I did get your other email, but that was at the time where work started getting busy!! I will message you back soon, I promise!

I'll keep an eye out on here when I'm away again for any other postings that come up ;)


Posts: 2440

No Worrries, I know you're busy :)