The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 112

Hi All,

I have had the Pscan.uk diagnostic/programing unit since it's early days, and it's been really helpful sorting things on my MGTF and my MGZS....

Some time ago I asked the maker about getting it to be compatible with the GEMS Range Rover as GEMS is so close to MEMS, and both were compatible with the T4 units at Rover.... well he has just released the initial Firmware upgrade to get this started:

Reads both OBD2 error codes and Landrover proprietary codes.

Reset error codes.

The live data is the same as data as that exposed to an OBD2 tool as this appears to be what a factory tool does.

Learning of EMS code from 10AS (tested) and BECM (untested).
Specifically this puts the GEMS ECU into a mode such that after a power cycle it will learn the next 10AS / BECM code that it sees, it is not immediately learned.

Testing of immobiliser status.
This appears to be of use only on the first power cycle that an EMS is learned following the above EMS learning mode is engaged.
Once an EMS code is learned and then power cycled again the status is not useful.

Resetting of adaptations is not yet implemented.

Output actuation is not yet implemented.

So it looks like another really useful (and not costly) diagnostic tool has arrived for us here too!

Link to their support forum on www.the-t-bar.com (MGF/TF forum who offered the space when the other forum he used vanished!)👍


Posts: 741

Not bad for ~ £150 but looks quite limited (and not just because it is only for GEMS ECUs); Keep us posted !

Posts: 112

Will do - it's only just become GEMS compatible. It gets regular updates, so once I've sent my feedback to the maker he can look at expanding it like he's done for the MG Rover cars.